Friday, January 30, 2009

unprocessed, random thoughts

Just was spurred with a random thought and figured I better get it on 'paper' before I lost it, or it consumed me.

"God isn't in the public schools" Right? I mean, that's the argument for many homeschoolers. (not all of them, I know) And then, the reason God isn't in the public schools? It's "because they have taken Him out". They meaning like the bad guys who 'took God out of school'.

So follow this thought.... They never knew God right? So they never put God in the schools. So how could they take Him out?

My unprocessed train of thought says, the only ones that could have taken Him out would be the ones that know Him. God left the public school when the Christians {who had Him} left with Him. And guess what? We're the only ones that can put Him back.

And any Christian who chooses to put their kids in public school and carry His presence with them every time they step foot in the school - they are the reason God could still have any influence in a secular institution.

This isn't an argument to challenge anyone's convictions on whether they homeschool or send their kids to school. It's just an argument to re-evaluate our judgements. To re-evaluate the thought that God would never tell a Christian to put their kids in public school. To re-evaluate our concept of the vastness of God.


Anonymous said...

VERY good thoughts... I think you are right on. And I didn't take it like you thought I should put my kids in! :) BUT I do think you were right... I think its so important for everyone to keep an open mind for what God might have them do... including those who swear they would NEVER home school and they COULD never home school, etc. Its like every thing else. We Christians love to pick a position and judge the rest of Christendom from our spot.

Anonymous said...

Thought-provoking indeed.

Also, I was thinking that you should be able to click on the little spider at the top of your blog and pull up a pop-up window of some kind. Maybe a photo link or something.