Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Happy Birthday, Chandler Hope!

It's birthday day today! My middle princess, Chandler is now 8 years old! We fudged on the 'rules' and pierced her ears a couple weeks ago. But today, after school, we are headed to the bowling alley with a couple of her friends and then her favorite place to eat pancakes.

Chandler has a passion for authoring books and has written 4 so far. She loves to illustrate them herself as well. Her gentle, yet fun-loving, personality is a blessing to our family and everyone around her. She is generous and a peacemaker with her sisters. She loves to read, especially mysteries and about animals. In school, she is in both of the accelerated learning classes - quite a smarty! Chandler has a prophetic gifting on her life and we are loving watching it grow!


a cake for an artist!


reallyniceday said...

Very cute cake! and she is all that!

Happy Birthday Chandler!

Anonymous said...

sweetness... you have beautiful children. And a cute cake! I love hearing the spiritual things you speak over and understand / know about your children.

I feel a little lame saying this... but I want that... there's still this non-understanding of something that holds me back. BUT, that's ok. Because God's not done with me, and I'm not done seeking. :)

Christin said...

Okay does EVERYBODY in the free world make impressively artistic cakes EXCEPT me!!??

What did I miss some cakemaking class at the hospital nursery? was I supposed to learn this art before they discharged me after I delivered children? because really...I'm feeling rather uncreative right about now.

Wanna tutor me? :)