Tuesday, July 22, 2008

extra pillows are nice too

So, this might be of interest to like 1% of you but as I was prepping the house for our next batch of {spur of the moment} guests, I thought about the little things that I try to do to make our guests lives more comfortable. I'm sure there are other things that I don't do so niceday will have to fill me in.

  • extra rolls of toilet paper
  • being clear where the towels are, which ones they should use, etc. we have a separate bathroom for guests but when you're a guest sharing the main bathroom, it's really nice to know "are the towels hanging there for me to use? or are those theirs? and if those aren't mine, where do i find one?"
  • lamps next to the beds, as well as alarm clocks
  • a night light in the hall to find the bathroom in a strange home
  • an extra blanket thrown on the bed. just in case they get cold or a child comes in and wants to sleep on the floor. ;)
  • extra pillows are nice too
  • trial sized body wash, shampoo, lotion. I just bring these from hotels.
  • snacks out on the kitchen counter for anytime access
Those are just a few of the things I can think of now. These come from being a guest and having guests. Someday we will have closets that can be utilized. And dressers. And a sitting chair in each room. And someday I'd really like to have a tiny fridge in our basement, stocked with yummy beverages for our guests. And maybe a microwave and popcorn. Or maybe I would like to own a hotel......NAH.


reallyniceday said...

Well, I don't know about all guests, but I use your washer and dryer EVERY time I'm there. And yes, I vouch for ALL the items on the list. They're there and we appreciate them!

And blackout curtains in the blue room are a nice touch for me, who likes to sleep in in the morning...;)

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I'm sure you ARE the perfect hostess! :) I try to leave a book by the bed, too.

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Oh, I loved this post. I miss our guest room. Our extra bdrm is too small for our extra bedroom suit, but it's a great size for the playroom, or Uncle Bubba's room.

I used to leave an extra house key hanging on a hook by the light switch.

I used to hang out in our guest room alot because it was always clean and dusted. I could live in denial in there for hours.

Now our poor guests are lucky if Bubba cleans off his night stand. But there is already a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle alarm clock there:)

Chelle said...

Now I know where to stay if we ever end up in the mid-western States. ;-)

Kimmie said...

You are so cute...your guests sound blessed.

I am so surprised that having a coffee machine available for each guest, wasn't on your list. ;-)

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Anonymous said...

I can also vouch! You are a wonderful, gracious host! I feel very welcomed and at home when we stay!

ConservaChick said...

I like the mini shampoo idea. A few years back I found a pretty pitcher and glass that was meant to be placed by your guest's bed. I thought that was cool... I always get thirsty at night. ~Karlie

EEEEMommy said...

I guess I'm in the 1%. These are great tips! Our house has become a revolving door lately, and I'm not a natural Martha Stewart. ;)

One I've realized I need to do better about is easy breakfast items for guest who rise earlier than I do so they're not starving waiting for me to wake up. I've also found I need to have caffeinated coffee on hand for those that prefer that (I usually stick with decaf myself, and it's more of a dessert than a breakfast drink). Kimmie's idea of personal coffee machines sounds great. ;)

My guest bedroom really needs a makeover.

EEEEMommy said...

oh and Cindy's idea of having a book is great too, I once stayed up half the night reading an intriguing book that I'd found in the guest bedroom. You always read books with intriguing titles, I wouldn't doubt someone would pick one up and peruse it if it was on the nightstand. We have a Bible and a copy of My Utmost for His Highest on our guest bedroom nightstand.
Alright, I've hogged your comment box long enough...;)

P.S. Is there any news on the baby boy you mentioned? I've been praying.