Sunday, June 29, 2008

hangin' close to Jesus

I'm going to try to post this without being slanderous or defensive but to do it with much grace...because somebody asked. :)

There's a lot of cyber-talk and 'real' talk about the legitimacy of the Lakeland Outpouring or other ministries and the validity of current miracles. Could these men be false prophets being used by Satan to deceive the masses?

No doubt, the Bible does tell us that in the last days false prophets will come and do miracles without the power of God. And we do need to be cautious. But I thought My Beloved got an incredible revelation a few weeks ago concerning this. The last couple moves of God were about the presence of God. God was letting us feel Him more, get to know what it's like to sit in His tangible presence.

If you know Jesus and you know His presence, it's easy to discern whether these men are working through the power of God or something else. I can only speak by my own experience. Not asking you to agree with me or anything....

Before we went to Lakeland, I was hesitant, not skeptical but hesitant. I have no doubt that God CAN work supernaturally but is this deal in Florida the real thing? I couldn't really get a grid through the internet. Honestly, I thought the worship was a little hokey - not evil, just a little lame. Anyway, the first night my family visited the revival, as soon as the worship started, the Spirit of God swept my heart. I felt God so strongly and fell in love with Jesus all over again. Those few days were a powerful and beautiful time in our lives. Yeah, I'm sure things can be a little messy, not perfect. You know why? God uses humans and we are not perfect!

Recently, my soul was challenged again. We went to meetings with David Herzog this past weekend. I had heard about wild things that can happen in his meetings and was interested to see how the meetings would be. And yes, some crazy things happened. Things like instant weight loss, gold teeth and finding diamonds on the floor. Things that, a year ago, I would have told you - yeah, I'm sure God COULD do those things but I'm not sure WHY He would do those things.

But again, God's presence was so strong. David Herzog worshiped God and pointed to Jesus through out each meeting. I wanted to love Jesus more. And there were multiple salvations each night. Not mamby-pamby, close-your-eyes-and-raise-your-hand salvations. The kind where if you were going to respond, you had to walk up in front of 500-ish people with their eyes open, and stand on stage, declaring that 'yes, I need Jesus'. Amazing.

I've been pondering, that if there is going to be false prophets who move through the power of the devil, there HAVE got to be true believers that are moving in the power of God. Our God is a God of POWER. We just seem to have forgotten or something. But we are entering a season where God is moving again. Hearts will be turned towards Him, and sadly some will be turned against Him.

God is beginning to reveal Himself in a greater dimension than we've seen in many generations. Like maybe, since the church of Acts generation. I wanna hang close to my Jesus, so I don't miss anything He is doing and stay clear of anything He's not doing.

The End....oh, this is written by a Pastor's wife who goes to a church that experienced their first gold tooth in a service this morning. For whatever that's worth.


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

What? Gold teeth? I've never heard of that. Tell me!!

Anonymous said...

that's awesome. Thank you for the wonderful response. So much to respond to, but its all good, so I'll just say yes, amen, yes, I agree, and I experienced that!!

Something I haven't told anyone... from someone who was uninterested in things like gold teeth and diamonds and feathers from the HS, etc. Someone got a gold tooth while I was leading worship at one of the Dunamis training / retreat things I was at last time. I was totally wigged out. I didn't know about this until a couple weeks later. That's when I felt God confirmed that He really does do things that to us seem wacky. And they aren't contrived or manipulated. Anyway. Thanks javamamma for sharing your thoughts.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Very well written, Dani.
You know that I come from a much more conservative background, but I am open when I feel the Spirit move...and I know He is certainly capable.
I watched some of the Lakeland service last night on GTV and I have to say, I thought it was "forced", BUT (and I mean this) I have been reading you for a long, long time, and I know your heart for God, so I believe what you say. And when you say the Spirit moved in that place, I don't doubt it.
Just like you believe me when I say that God showed up at a Beth Moore event, right? ;)
You're awesome, Dani, and I'm glad to be your sister in Christ.
Oh yeah..., I have never heard of the gold tooth thing either, so please tell me what you are talking about.

javamamma said...

Absolutely I believe God shows up at Beth Moore events!

One off-the-wall manifestation of God's presence....sometimes, is people receiving one or more gold teeth. The ones I've seen are at the back. Either replacing teeth they already had or actual new teeth. I don't know WHY God would do this but I believe it happens. To me, often it's symbolic - like a promise that He is going to do something else....usual financial.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Alright, I seriously need some snooze time, but now I am off to Google it.
That is bizarre! But I guess so is turning a sea into blood, eh?

ConservaChick said...

I'd be totally bummed if God replaced one of my front teeth with a gold tooth. I mean, I just don't think my smile would be very cute... a little too Rap Star for me. God does work in mysterious ways!

javamamma said...

Yeah, I told God that I didn't want any gold teeth - just whiter ones! So did a friend of mine and yikes, she got 2 gold the back. :)

Anonymous said...

My dad was at that Very Herzog Revival- was touched by God's TRUE power, and received a gold tooth! "tis the season" get ready to go or get left behind!