Monday, June 09, 2008

dude, i gotta go to bed

For real. I had about 18 hours to get all my laundry done so we could re-pack for the next week. Take out 3 hours for church this morning and then 7 1/2 for another service about 40 minutes away (that included a 3 hour dinner and coffee with an oh-so-fun couple), that doesn't leave much daylight. So I work in the dark. And now that I'm pretty much done (at 2:30am), I need to wind down and sleep a couple hours so I can be up and ready to hit the road again. Good thing I didn't drink that Red Bull I thought I'd need to stay up. Then I'd really be in trouble. So now that I've posted on all three of my blogs - I'm gonna try to sleep. 'night. I hope.


Anonymous said...

Well for heaven's sake, put the Red Bull down! I think if you drink it on Monday, you will still be awake on Thursday!

Hope you got some rest and happy packing :)

Kimmie said...

You are quite the little Energizer Bunny!

Packing is fun...unpacking is the pits!

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Well, I sure hope you were able to get some good *quality* sleep. :)
I flew up out of my bed this morning when the stupid newslady said that there were deadly tornadoes at a Boy Scout Camp last night (my Ty is at B.S.C. right this minute), but then she went to break....GRRRRR!
Anyway, I came out here to Google it and I saw that you were really getting hit with bad weather. :(
I am praying for you today, girlie. Shoot me an email or something if you get a free minute to let me know that y'all are still ok....