Friday, June 06, 2008

aunty on the move

I'm sitting here at my parent's waiting for my nephew. My sister is filling in at the church office for the week and I get to babysit before we head out this afternoon. I love being an aunt. Who woulda thought it would be such a riot when you already have your own kids?

Our spur-of-the-moment-scheduled service on Wednesday was great. It was at a smaller church and I think some really powerful things were released into their ministry that night. The not so great thing about the evening was the hail that hit late that night and tore up our Explorer. Mitch is hoping for a really good insurance settlement. He's taking care of that right now.

Thursday, after lunch with some friends and their 4 boys, we headed in for the service last night. Whoa. A-maz-ing. No kidding. Mitch is sure that he had an angel helping him. There was such a grace to minister and orchestrate the service. Mind blowing miracles were taking place. I thought I was in Lakeland. :)

This afternoon we head back down the road toward home, taking a 24 hour pit stop for 2 services with Jim Maloney. I got a fun hotel room with a indoor waterpark. My kids deserve it. It's been a wild 30 days and the next 20 will continue on the wild side.

Oh, my little guy is here. Better jet.


Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

I love being an Aunt, too! I have to tell you, I can't get past those desserts pictured below either. YUMM-O!

reallyniceday said...

I've never been able to find anything on the web about Jim Maloney. You're so internet saavy!

Grace grace to you as God continues to work through you. May His presence only continue to build!

Can't wait to see ya!

Anonymous said...

sometimes I'd like to just hang out with your family and soak in all your ministry fun! :) Are you sure you aren't needing to come on up to AK??