Tuesday, June 03, 2008

church notes

Sunday, I had the privilege of being in our home church. I'd heard that Pastor Ron was doing a series from Robert Morris', "The Blessed Life". He shows a 10-ish minute video clip and then preaches another 10-ish minutes.

Now, our church Sunday School class has been through "The Blessed Life" video series but I haven't seen a second of them because *gasp* I don't go to Sunday School. So I was totally blown away by this 10 minute clip on "The Spirit of Mammon". Here are a few of my notes...

Mammon is a spirit that rests on all money. There is no such things as 'spirit-less' money. It either has the spirit of mammon or the Spirit of God. The way to redeem all of your money is to give to God FIRST - the tithe. Mammon rules through the threat of not being able to buy or sell. (think of the economy) Instead of 'buying & selling', God's Kingdom principle is sowing and reaping.

Those are just a few of my thoughts and they're not very well put together. There's a reason Pastor Ron shows the video and doesn't just try to teach it all himself. Pastor Morris does a phenomenal job of bringing God's revelation on this subject. Someday, when our life's not spinning out of control and I'm not in need of this.....

...I'm gonna find that video series and watch it!


Anonymous said...

Hey, how'd you get a picture of my car?

reallyniceday said...

BTW, that was me