Tuesday, January 15, 2008

fasting, corn, justice and other things

Day 3 of 7 Days of Seeking with our church. For the last 3 Januarys (since we've pastored here), we have designated one week out of January to pursue God more than usual. We have nightly prayer gatherings. Most fast, something, sometime, many fast food all week long.

Last year was a sweet time and God spoke several 'words' to me that did, indeed come to fruition throughout 2007. Very cool. This year I am asking the same. God, speak to me. Declare a vision and direction over my life for 2008. I don't need to know all the details, just the general direction would be great.

Last year, as we ventured into 2007, My highly prophetic Beloved released a word from the Lord over our church. It came out of Joel 2. And the 'sign to know' was corn - to 'watch corn'. (this means much to our area, as we live in 'farmland') Yes, the grain, corn. If you would have kept an eye on the economy of corn last year, you would have seen it reach an all-time high near the beginning of the year and keep creeping all year long.

And something really crazy? Our family received more popCORN as gifts at Christmas time than I've ever seen. No one got together and said, 'Let's bombard the pastor with popcorn'. They just randomly gave gift baskets, popcorn tins, popcorn popper w/ popcorn, etc. At first I didn't see it. I just joked about being able to live on popcorn if any 'end of the world' stuff would ever happen. Then it hit me. Corn. It's our sign. The sign God gave us at the beginning of the year. He's sealing His promise at the end of the year. Wow.

Some may remember my cornfield incident this fall. Again, what's with the corn? I'm not really sure but I'm thinking for sure, it's our sign. Our sign that God will fulfill His destiny in this area. We continue to contend for His purpose and plans to be completed in our community, in our state, in this nation and beyond.

That's what this week is about. Shouting into the heavenlies that we want 'His Kingdom to come, His will to be done.' Displacing darkness and releasing light. Declaring that it will be 'on earth as it is in heaven'. It's about justice. About wrong things being made right. Wrong things like family members dealing with steep depression and odd medical issues that seem to have no answer. Wrong things like followers of Jesus struggling financially, not being able bless others {even though it's in their hearts} because they can't meet their own obligations. Wrong things like prodigals that have been manipulated into thinking living with a married man is OK and even Godly.

So, we fast and we pray. We press in more than normal. We declare passionately that the Kingdom of heaven has come to earth. We seek for God's heart. God's justice. God's plan and purposes. And we watch the signs of His promise.


reallyniceday said...

Believing you'll get the direction you need for 2008 and many kisses along the way.

Love you guys, thanks for having us this past week.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Well, you know, there is a lot of corn in Indiana. Maybe you need a trip out here?!

Can't wait to hear more.

Anonymous said...

How cool is that! We have such an awesome God!

Anonymous said...

May God meet you as you seek Him!

blessings to you,


ConservaChick said...

Ha! It's got to make you smile to see God's sense of humor with the popcorn thing.

So what kind of fast are you doing? My old church is doing the Daniel fast, I thought about jumping in, but decided my motives were all wrong. ~Karlie

Robin said...

Interesting to read about your fasting experiences. I know several people who are currently fasting. how does one know if God is calling them to fast? Bless you as you seek Him!