Monday, December 03, 2007

makes me wanna slap somebody

Most of my posts seem to be pretty dreary lately, blah, negative, la, la, la so today, here's a more 'I'm thankful I'm alive' post.

We just got home from my employee Christmas party. It was a hoot. Can I say, I love that God has me working at BC Village Square? I do. And I think My Beloved does too.

Mitch and I were talking the other day about how he wouldn't let me work 'just anywhere'. (I've only worked at church other than this job) He's thankful for the group of gals I work with and the fact I get to be in the community, with our 'harvest field'. I was hit with the fact that EVERY ONE of the lady's husbands are around the cafe. Really. They all come in on a weekly, if not daily, basis. I know each of the ladies husbands and they know mine.

This may not seem like a big deal to you but I've seen firsthand how a woman going to work can destroy their marriage. I'm not saying that women working is wrong at all but if God is not in that decision than the devil can get a foothold and screw it all up. I don't like seeing marriages where the husband and wife are going two different directions in life. Where they have no common goal. It's sad at best and life-destroying at worst.

(Oh, sorry took a rabbit trail there....)

Anyways.... these people are WAY fun to work with. My golly, I've never laughed so much in my life. We've got a black, North Carolinian woman who keeps us all rolling. "That's so good, it makes me wanna slap somebody." A boss who rearranges and moves things at least a few times a month. "Change is good, deal with it." Fellow waitresses who crack me up on a minute-by-minute basis. A 60-something cook who did her 'I'm-in-a-panic jig' tonight, and it was a doozy. She won a couple gift cards to the local salon and said maybe she'd go get in 'that tanning thing'....until another baker/waitress told her she'd have to take her clothes off. You shoulda seen the look on her face! Like I said, a hoot!

'Boss Lady' (as the kitchen staff so affectionately calls her) worked on the building for many months even before opening (let alone all the work that continues) but something that kept (keeps) her going is the phrase, 'Right time, right place, right people'. She and her husband have a task from God to 'be life to this community' and they are walking in obedience to that call. Did I mention that God brought these folks ALL THE WAY from Oregon to open this little cafe? I don't know how long this working season will last in my life but I'm sure enjoying it while I'm in it!

Oh, if you want a really good, deep and spiritual post - READ HERE.


Chelle said...

hehe! When I read your title, I was expecting a rant of some sort. Your co-workers sound like a hoot! I'm so glad you're enjoying your job. It sounds like a great place to work.

Anonymous said...

God is so good! I am so glad this is a great work experience. Way cool!


Jules said...

I feel like God was in my decision to go back to work, too. I needed a job for the money, I'll admit it. But I also wanted a job with meaning. I now teach at an at risk high school, and I love my kids. Well, most of them. I really do. And I know God put me there. And my husband does, too.

Christin said...

me too! ...when I read the title, I expected something way different. :D

Friends who make you laugh are JEWELS!!

ConservaChick said...

Don't you just love the "creative" mission fields God throws us into?

You wrote "I've seen firsthand how a woman going to work can destroy their marriage". Pretty brave statement! Good for you for saying it! I agree. I (like you) don't think it's wrong for a woman to work, but we must be so careful. When Chris and I first got married, I worked, and did not know the Lord, and let me tell you, it was by God's mercy that I didn't mess everything up...

Hey, thanks for your e-mail. As always, you are a great encouragment to me! Love ya! ~Karlie

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Hey girlie,
Just saw the news this morning about the mall-shooting in Omaha. I'm just hoping that they didn't affect you guys any more than just realizing how tragic it is. :(
Email me if you get a minute..