Sunday, December 02, 2007

the land of OH

So, I've noticed that in Christmas music there's a lot of, 'oooh's'. A couple examples:
Oooooh, jingle bells, jingle bells....
Ooooooh, all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth....
Ooh, Holy Night....

As I was pondering this new revelation, I realized that that's where I'm living. In the land of OH. I've quit 'singing' the last line. I'm waiting for the next line (though I'm not sure what that is) and so I sing, 'oooooohhhh'.

The trick is being able to hold that 'oh' as long as necessary before the next line starts, ya know? To not quit singing. To not give out. But to continue to sing - even if it just is 'oooohhh'. The last line is definitely finished (and thank God). But there is another line to this 'song', it's just not quite time to sing it yet. So I sing. Oooooooohhhhhhh......


Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

hang in there, girlie...
How was your trip? I hope the weather cooperated for you...

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Hope the After-the-Ooooh is sweet for you.

Christin said...

Can I just say how precious your heart is?!

I loved this.

Shall we sing a duo? I look forward to the Conductor's Hand signaling the next note...

Anonymous said...

God will give you the strength and endurance to keep singing! Hang in there.


Chelle said...

I love your heart for God. Hang in there!

How did the weekend go?

reallyniceday said...

For real. There's lots of prayers that begin with that, too.

Maybe that's where intercession is birthed. Between lines.

ConservaChick said...

You are so deep! ~K