Thursday, December 06, 2007

the goose is getting fat

Today did not bring what I had planned. It brought: snow. I planned: a trip to the city for not only my next couple week's groceries but also all the baking ingredients I will need to prepare for our Holiday Open House in a week and a half. Yeah, a MAJOR shopping trip. But instead the snow fell and I stayed home.

And....I got my laundry/storage room cleaned out. Yay for me! One major organizational task done, one to go - the office/Jaci's play schoolroom. (these are the main things to be done before the open house) This monster job took me about 3 hours or maybe it was 4. But it's done now and I feel GOOD.

Of course, squeezing my trip to the city in before Saturday is going to be a trick now. But hopefully I can get out there tomorrow evening. Not my idea of fun - shopping in the city on a Friday night - but it might be my only hope.

The rest of the weekend shapes up like this. I've gotta work during the day tomorrow. Saturday afternoon, we're taking the youth to carol at an assisted living home. I've got to get some cookies baked for that venture. And Sunday is our Youth Christmas Party. Oh, a biggie - getting our tree either tomorrow night or Saturday night. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat....and so is the calender!


Chelle said...

Just so long as I'm not getting fat! LOL

reallyniceday said...

Yay! I love Christmas time!!!! I've been putting the tree up on Dec 1st for a couple years now and it's been great. And baking! yippee! I hope you have some yummy goodies left over when we travel through on th or fr before Christmas.

Got your open house invite. It looked great. Wish we could be there :(

Mycrazylife said...

I thought I was in good shape completing all my Christmas shopping early...but unfortunately my calendar says otherwise. I hope you complete all your tasks with ease and your open house is a huge success!


ConservaChick said...

I've been tackleing a few of those 3-4 hour jobs myself lately. It's always such a relief when they are done!

Your titles can be so deceiving! Last post I thought was going to be about "anger issues", this post about holiday "over eating"... you are just full of surprises aren't you! ~K

Christin said...

You go girl! Using "free time" to get a major job done! Seriously, Impressive :)

Hope today goes well with shopping! God bless your heart braving those ferocious crowds of credit card-laden shoppers! *wink*

javamamma said...

Free Time? Ha. No such thing around here. My computer time is even sparse. And movies or TV? Forget about it. I'm thinking the season of boredom I went through is the EXTREME opposite of what life is now. :)