Saturday, November 03, 2007

what captivates, dominates

I'll try to have a post soon about all the inquiries of my past. :) But today it's just short and sweet.

We're (hubby & I) an hour and a half from home with seven teens and one other adult sponsor. We're here at a youth retreat. This year's speaker is Sean Smith. He's a fireball black man who knows how to preach.

I won't give you all my notes (since when have do adults take notes at a youth event?) but his text was 1 John 5:19 and he talked about the 'sway of the world'. Very challenging....even to me the lowly adult sponsor. A couple quotes that will stick with me a while:

If darkness can captivate you, it will dominate you.

Whatever is attracting you in life is the shaper of your destiny.


Jules said...

That second quote is incredible. I teach algebra at a school full of "at risk" students. All the students in my class have failed algebra at least once, some two or three times. Anyway, that quote will mean something to them. Have you read any of Sean Smith's books?

Chelle said...

Wow...some really great stuff to ponder!

javamamma said...

Jules: no, i'd never heard of him until this weekend. we did buy a few of his cd's and his new book, "the epic lifestyle". i'm excited to jump into it soon.

reallyniceday said...

Is he anything like Will Ford? Sounds like an intense message.

You guys are so faithful! Taking the youth, worship, women's ministry, choctober...on and on! Crazy folk you are!

javamamma said...

Much as I love Will Ford - I think this guy's better. My spirit is in serious mulling and crying out for Jesus after this weekend.

Kimmie said...

I'd have to say I totally agree with the 'captivation'...the devil is a liar, he comes to kill, steal and destroy- he is tricky and will use the most 'seemingly' innocent of things to grab our eyes off of Jesus.

*before I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior-my mother introduced me to the occult-it definitely captivated her- she didn't realize how she was using me to practice the witchcraft. Praise God-he grabbed us, rescued us and changed our lives.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Anonymous said...

It's along the line of "As a man thinks in his heart so is he". What are we allowing our mind to think about.
