Monday, November 05, 2007


Sigh. That is a sigh of relaxment. (i know, made up word) This week I get some breathing room. Just a couple evening activities, work, then my good friend here this weekend. Other than that it's a nice, slow week. Yip-pee.

I'm looking forward to really diving into "Christmas Countdown" - now that I'm 3 weeks behind. I don't follow it religiously (obviously) but it does give me a grid to work with for all the holiday bustle. The big event of our home is a Christmas Open House we do for our church, community and family. That requires some planning ahead, ya know? I got a little nauseous when talking to Mitch last night, that Thanksgiving is 2 1/2 weeks away. Yikes. But I'll choose to think on the low-pressure week I have. :)

So, my childhood was somewhat eluded too in the last few posts. I'll give tidbits. My parents are godly folks who want to raise their {and they still have 6 left at home} children right. I don't want to give the impression that they are not and that I had a miserable childhood. I didn't. It's just that now that I'm a parent, I won't be doing everything the same way they did.

.......Wow, I keep writing, then pushing backspace. So I guess I won't rant over my my parent's methodology. It's very much different than mine. And that's OK. I have an amazing life right now and that has to be at least a little bit attributed to my upraising. Yeah, I get irked by legalism, condescending attitudes and fear-based parenting but pointing fingers doesn't really get me anywhere. I'm probably going to error on the 'grace side' with my kids. And my kids are very young right now, so I have many (many) parental mistakes to make myself.

I will say that we (My Beloved & I) lean towards experiencing God more than memorizing Him. We lean towards grace rather than the law. And mostly, we lean towards personal obedience rather than following the latest {I'm-the-more-righteous} Christian parenting trend.

That said, it's supper time and I gotta get the canned soup on. I got myself a PTO meeting tonight at our public school. Somebody shoot me.


Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Well put. Again. :)
Enjoy your relaxing week...

Chelle said...

I had to laugh...I just started the Christmas Countdown this week too. lol

Of course you know we homeschool...but I am so in agreement with you on your parenting philosophies. We feel very much the same way too, as you know.

I hope your week is full of rest and relaxation. :-)

javamamma said...

And for sure we are NOT anti-homeschooling. I'm not sure we're done homeschooling for the rest of the girls' lives. We're about obedience. I love that you (Rachelle) are firm in your convictions while not exuding a 'holier than thou' attitude towards those that don't. You guys are amazing people. I hope to meet you someday!

Nen said...

you make me smile. I like that.

And I bet you weren't even TRYING to make anyone smile!!

I laugh at myself when I recognize me getting all psyched up over my latest "thing" - and then I remember (barely) last year's thing that everyone just had to know about , read, do... and that is when I started realizing... we are all on our own journey, our own narrow road with Jesus to Father. ONE WAY - Jesus... but He still manages to create lots of journeys. I'm glad we are all different and can learn from each other.

ramble ended.

good night.

reallyniceday said...

typt, type, type, backspace.... that's my entire blogging experience, but it's usually because I come up with a better word to use. All those daily words floating around in the jello up there.

Anyhow, I copied off all the Christmas countdown stuff the last year in NP...then misplaced the notebook. However, it's definitely a cool idea.

Anonymous said...

Relaxment? Making up words now! Fantabulous! shoot you? Adore you...I look at it like this: your parents did lay the foundation (which is a critical component) But you chose your building materials, and contractors that will be used to build your life!

reallyniceday said...

Here's a word for ya-- bete noire (bet nhwar) it means something especially detested or avoided...or "black beast" in French. Whichever ya choose. :)

Mycrazylife said...

I'll have to check out the Christmas Countdown. After all, who couldn't use some organization at this time of the year.

As for the school meetings, I remember them all too well and thank God those days are long gone, but you have my sincerest sympathies!

javamamma said...

Actually our PTO meetings are great. We don't have the stereo-typical, clique-y, back-biting hens in our group. I actually feel like it's a Christian group of ladies appreciating the teachers....even though it's not.

My 'somebody shoot me' was because I'm soooo not the model of a perfect Proverbs 31, homeschool mamma. :)

javamamma said...

Oh, and thanks K for the vocab lesson. I really like that one. Now to use it today.....

Christin said...

Good grief...Thanksgiving is THAT close?! I'm so out of it! hmm...maybe I'll have me a relaxing week too. You know, to prep for the weeks of travel that are soon to follow.

ConservaChick said...

I could use more examples of people like you in my life. It's unique to see conviction without legalism. Sad, but so true. (At least here anyway).
I had too much freedom, too much grace as a kid. I went to the opposite side of the spectrum with my own kid's, only to see rebelion in their eye's... and bile in my own convictions.
I am SO struggling trying to find the balance, but I feel "broken". I try to emulate Christian parents who are making it work, but they are so few and far between.
One thing I do know, it's not about the school, or the food, or the devotions, or the youth group... it's about THEIR relationship with God. All the other stuff (like when to discipline, when to have grace, when to take away the candy) I'm lost... so lost.

Mary said...

Relaxment! I love it! Oh, I like the Christmas Organizer. Maybe it'll keep me on track. Although since the kids are going to Hong Kong COR, we're not doing our Christmas until January. Now THAT's relaxing. :)
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Love you guys..blessings!

javamamma said...

Christmas in January sounds lovely!

Mary said...

Hey girl, There's definitely the stench of flesh burning at my place! Are you having a good week?