Thursday, November 01, 2007

quit vomiting

I'm being 'accused' :o) of still being in reaction mode to 'the retreat'. Maybe. But I imagine it's more than a weekend retreat. It's a whole culture that I was immersed in growing up. As I look back (or am forced into, again) I become offended all over again. Not right, I know. But there's some righteous indignation mixed with my offense. It's sad to see some people living in bondage to another family's calling because it's perceived (or preached) as 'more Godly'. 'More Godly' is walking in obedience to the life and journey that YOU and YOUR family are called to, ya know?

Anyways, I promise to quit vomiting on you all, now. :o)

Here's a welcome reprieve HERE and HERE. The first is photos of my ladies at our Harvest Party last night. The second is a post you'll need a few extra minutes and probably a cuppa your favorite drink to get through. It's where we're at in our 'ministry venture' that I brought up a few months ago.


Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Thank you for saying this...and it is very well put. I stand firm with you in what you say here.
I have seen the attitude you speak of (oftentimes condescending)actually be a barrier to God's work. Just to clarify, I mean the "attitude" not the calling.

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Trunk or Treat is the greatest invention ever. Instead of a carnival with all the work of getting people to work it and setting up booths, we trunk or treat. Everyone that is a member parks in the same parking lot, opens their trunks, and it's kinda like tail-gating Halloween style. The kids walk from trunk to trunk and trick or treat, the adults sit in lawn chairs or in the backs of their vans/SUVs and hand out candy. We just set our candy bowl in the back of the van and walked around as a family. Some people decorate the backs of their vans with jack-o-lanterns, spider webs, and such, but most just hand out candy. While we were there we saw MANY from our community that weren't members and it was nice to get to meet them. No work, no hassle, no clean up. It lasts about an hour,and if you want, you can have coffee and hot chocolate in the church after it's over to get everyone warmed up, but it's totally not necessary. When we were ready to go, we just loaded our family up and left. We love it!

ConservaChick said...

You should write a post about your past... what bothered you.. maybe even some good. I really AM curious. Our family nearly walked down the same road as your "childhood" family, but we too started to "puke" up our own life style and decided to listen to God, instead of the "homeschool" books. ~Karlie

PS. You could e-mail me at if you don't want to write a post, but feel like sharing wisdom anyway!

Nen said...

you aren't vomiting - you are just... sharing real stuff that is on your heart. That what a blog is for! :)

I too would be interested in your past. It is interesting to me where people come from and how that shapes their present and what God does with us. I grew up more that mindset than not, but not so extreme, and now I am less that mind set than not but not the total extreme... I think I have a problem with middle line people pleasing... now that is vomit worthy.

Love you

Christin said...

Hey! I've long been out of blogdom and am only now getting to read all your posts I've missed. It's so crazy to me how I go a few days without "checking in on friends" and I really MISS it.

But anyhoo...

*big sigh* don't you just "love" when something comes up in your life that causes you to have to revisit so many other things? :/

I'm actually loving hearing you "vomit". It may be messy, but it's so real, you know? so feel free to throw up on me anytime. ;)

I so agree...we need to take our eyes off of what God has called others to and just focus on what OUR family is supposed to do. God is so much bigger than cookie cutter Christians. He's an endless resource for unrestrained creativity...especially in our personal callings unfolding!

But I do pray that as you take a look back that you are flooded with a deep that offense can't even raise it's head or take a hold of your precious heart.