Monday, October 15, 2007

rock my world

Let me first say that I am often repulsed by 'women's stuff'. That's pretty funny seeings how I am in charge of women's ministry. It's not so much that I hate 'women's stuff' but I think most teaching/preaching by women is lacking in, um...shall we say, depth/good communication skills/authority/etc/etc. It's pansy fluff that seems like child's play. (excuse my harshness)

Honestly I don't think I ever heard a REALLY good woman preacher until I heard Christine Caine a couple years ago. Bobbie Houston is another favorite of mine. She's excellent but more of a great and fun communicator on a totally real level than an authoritative preacher. (I want to BE Bobbie Houston - the American version. I don't think I got the stuff to be an 'authoritative preacher' but maybe I could relay God's truth with the wit and humor Past-ah Bobbie does.) These two women keep my interest, challenge me, wow me with the revelation God gives them and are just totally authentic women.

And so, the women's retreat that I'm heading to this weekend has my lowest expectations. Some of you ladies would give up your weekly allowance of chocolate to hear this particular woman. Honest. I, on the other hand, have attitude issues with the very subjects that this woman thrives on. It will be an interesting weekend.

I have 2 thoughts on why in the planet earth I am going. One:God wants to cut through my crusty attitude and speak to me in spite of disagreement in 'theology'. Two:My friend that asked me to go, needs to be there, and I am her support. Either way, I give God permission to rock my world.

In other news...Tonight is my first {hopefully annual} ChoctoberFest! I am so excited about this new venture that Cindy shared a while back. I'm planning on snagging a few pictures of not teaching fluff but plenty of non-necessary calories!

Here's to
In any language, it's GOOD stuff!


ConservaChick said...

You know I agree with you here. We as women are so good at the shallow fluff. Don't get me wrong, that stuff is great some of the time, but NOT all of the time. I'm still waiting for the "big girl" stuff to happen. Good luck this weekend! I pray God keeps your heart open to what he may have for you at this conference... and if it's nothing more than great fellowship with a friend... that's more than enough! From one "crusty" friend to another. ~Karlie

Nen said...

I look forward to hearing how it went... :) I must sit down and blog my week. It was good... GREAT... and we saw some awesome healing and deliverance. Great stuff!! Stuff I would have been unsure really existed a few years ago.

Christin said...

Well, as for ME, I going to ask God to NOT let it be just a friend weekend. hee hee

Yes, yes, you can thank me if God gives you a butt kick in the butt for any 'tude you been sportin' cause I'll be praying. :) I figure, I'm only a "blog friend"...whatcha gonna do? stop reading my blog? heh heh.

So off to my prayer closet I go. To pray that the Holy Spirit will get all up in "yo face" with His Presence. Cause we both know that when he does, it's only ever amazing.

*raising of the crystal glasses* Here's to a weekend with God.

Chelle said...

I totally understand what you mean...although, like you, Christine Caine has rocked my world on several occasions. :-) I hope you have a great time in spite of your reservations. looking forward to hearing about it!

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Ok, so hit me with it Beth Moore that you don't dig?
So, this is not in the spirit of "calling you out" or any such thing, but rather because I am genuinely interested...What are your theological differences?
You may not want to go into all that on the world wide web, and if not, no problem...I have just wondered. :)

javamamma said...

Nope, not Beth Moore. Someone maybe a little less well-known. But in the home school world...a biggie.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Ok, I finally went to the website and the funny thing is, I don't think I have ever even heard of any of them (well the actual speakers, anyway).
Oh well...I do hope you have a nice time anyway. Hopefully your friend will get what she needs. You are being very sweet to sit with her even though you really aren't interested. That's a good friend. :)

javamamma said...

not sure you went to the right website, friend Gayle. there's just one speaker and i don't think it got website time. ...the mystery continues...

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

LOL! So I am gathering that this isn't the link?:
Ok, your right...I'm officially perplexed.

javamamma said...

correct. not a women of faith deal. i'll reveal the speaker when i return so i don't have to eat my words (so badly) if it's extraordinary!

Mycrazylife said...

Ok first, you have me totally curious as to what the subjects are the woman in question thrives on.

Second, I am totally jealous that you are having a Choctoberfest! I wanna come!