Thursday, June 21, 2007

this is really about that

I was tagged by one of my new daily reads, Finding our Way...

I'll call it The PAGE 12 Tag

1 Pick up a book that is near to you
2 Go to page twelve in the book
3 Read the first two sentences and post it on your blog
4 Also post the book title and the name of the author
5 Tag 3 other People : )

"Sex God" by Rob Bell

He's stacking them so high, he turns the whole thing into an altar. And he keeps talking about a vow he made to God, and you have no idea what the point of this is.

A few lines before explains those sentences a little, "Imagine you're one of Jacob's kids..."

And that, my friends, is proof this book which seems to be about this, is really about that.

Anyone who wants to be, is tagged!

I'm pooped from Day 4 of VBS and I'm heading to bed. Thank You Jesus, the kids don't have swimming lessons in the morning and I'm sleeping in and told the kids we're vegging out. We have the movie "I am David" which they've seen but I have not. Tomorrow night is the end of our VBS and then we head into the weekend - which to a pastor's family/worship leader means, the work days. :o) Catch up with ya'll soon.


Chelle said...

Cool tag. I've never seen one like that before.

ConservaChick said...

I feel your fatigue. We are ending a week of VBS, gymnastics, and several "guests". I would love to veg out. Funny thing, I have the movie I am David collecting dust on my hutch, just waiting to be watched. Tell me what you think, maybe I'll finally get around to watching it.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Hey girl!
I just wanted to tell you that I finally made the switch to blogger. C'mon over to visit me if you get a minute. I just had to go where all my friends were...:)