Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's finished!

I finished "The Divine Conspiracy" last night around 12:30am. Whew. Great book, hard read. One final quote:

In worship we are ascribing greatness, goodness, and glory to God. It is typical of worship that we put every possible aspect of our being into it, all of our sensuous, conceptual, active, and creative capacities.
We embellish, elaborate, and magnify. Poetry and song, color and texture, food and incense, dance and procession are all used to exalt God. And sometimes it is in the quiet absorption of thought, the electric passion of encounter, or total surrender of the will. In worship we strive for adequate expression of God's greatness. But only for a moment, if ever, do we achieve what seems like adequacy. We cannot do justice to God or his Son or his kingdom or his goodness to us.

So now, I think I'll finish reading "Sex God" since I've 'stolen' it from my husband's desk and then I have to choose from soooo many in my 'books to read' bin. I'm leaning towards "This Day We Fight!" by Francis Frangipane but other's in the bin are:

"Fight Like a Girl" by Lisa Bevere
"Soul Cravings" by Erwin Raphael McManus
and re-reading or atleast re-browsing "Grace Based Parenting" (Tim Kimmel) especially since the kids are out for the summer TODAY.

Of course still on their way from (ordered April 1st. what's with that?) are:
"50 Ways to Really Love Your Kids" by Tim Kimmel
"The Amazing Discernment of Women" by Jentezen Franklin


Anonymous said...

Wow! I think you deserve a gold star for finishing the Divine Conspiracy. Way to go!

Chelle said...

Way to go on finishing the Divine Conspiracy. Looks like you've got some more great reading coming up.

Todd said...

"This Day we fight" is a must read. It isn't profound, but it is truth we need and is a quick read. And you will find yourself going back to it from time to time to get more.

javamamma said...

Todd: Your comment is way true. I haven't really come across any NEW information. But I've found it's extremely timely for us right now - so it's good to have it capsulized into one book. And definitely an easy read - especially after "The Divine Conspiracy". :o)