Tuesday, April 24, 2007

so i'm pondering

Despite getting miserably sick in the hours before I was to leave to IHOP - I went, and was refreshed by my time away. I ended up taking a wonderful intercessor lady from the church and she was extremely blessed to come along.

Because I was sick, I didn't spend as much time in the prayer room as I had originally planned but we did get a good 6 hours in. Other than that, we woke up to yummy coffee and strawberries at reallyniceday's home. Then a late lunch at Jerusalem Cafe with her as well. All in all, a great little 24 hours away.

Now, back to real life, eh? This week shouldn't be near as insane as last week. Thank You, Jesus. So I'm off to a slow start, sitting at my laptop. :o) I did read another good post by PBZ. This line particularly struck me. So I'm pondering....

The atheist is the child who spent too much time indoors.


Chelle said...

Glad that you had a good time, in spite of your illness.

Interesting thought from PBZ. I need to read the whole thing.

Mary said...

I'm so sorry you were sick. Bummer :(
But 6 hours in the prayer room is awesome! Have a restful week.