Monday, April 16, 2007

gonna preach that someday

Tonight is our previously-monthly-turned-quarterly ladies fellowship night. I like to gather the women of the church for fellowship, dessert and a short teaching. I named our women's ministry 'seasons' women's movement.

'Seasons' seems like such a descriptive word of women and the journey we're on in this life. We have the unmarried season, the married-no-kids season, the infant/toddlers season, (for some, this lasts longer than for others!), the school age children season, the grown children season, and everything in between. And each season is very precious, yet horrifying, boring, yet all too exciting - all at the same time.

I switched to meeting quarterly, partly because I thought it would help me refine what I would teach. It seems that God gives me a 'life-theme' for a period of time, usually a few months. I could then just share 'what's on my heart' 4 times a year - each season.

Well, my plan has proven somewhat off base because I don't really have a 'theme' right now. I have MANY thoughts. Up until last night at 11:45, I was unclear on what direction to go tonight. But after watching a movie that many would classify as 'heathen' I have a direction....and it has nothing to do with the movie. I'm just amazed God could actually speak to such a 'heathen' as I. :o)

Here's the basic thoughts....somewhat adapted from a message I heard at a women's conference last month. (which when I heard, I said 'I'm gonna preach that someday' - but it didn't seem like this day would be the one, until last night.)

The men of Issachar, who were men who joined with David, were men who understood the times. (1 Chron. 12:32) We need to understand the times we live in now....

1. IT'S TIME to assume a new position. It's obvious that God is on the verge of doing something amazing. There's much rumbling in the body of Christ of the next 'movement' or release of His Spirit. We need to make the decision to that we will leave our old position of lying down and arise or stand up - ready for action.

2. IT'S TIME to be aggressive, not on the defense but on the offense. Look around at where God has placed us and realize that we're here for a purpose. The could be our job as wife and mother, keeper of the home or our job in the workforce - wherever He's placed you, it's time to look what's in your hand and use it. No more griping about our season of life or just 'maintaining' where we're at. Get busy!
The story that's a really cool encouragement to us as mamma's at home is Judges 4 with Jael. She was a 'tent-dwelling' woman (5:24) and she found a common thing in her home to accomplish the will of the Lord.

3. IT'S TIME to abandon fear and jump into life with faith. I'm reminded of the verses I talked about in Judges. Don't freeze up on the battleline! Accomplish ALL that He has called you to - laying aside all fear to stand up and FIGHT!

So that's what's on the spiritual menu. On the physical food menu is an Angel Food Cake dessert (that my sister had made for Easter) - so yummy. And not terribly rich but just right for a Spring evening!


Chelle said...

I have always loved the story of Jael. Jeremy teases me about not leaving any nails laying around. :-) If Levi had been a girl, he would have been called Jael. I like how she fits into your message. Good stuff.

reallyniceday said...

Wish I could be there! It should be rich in content and fellowship. Bless you my friend!

Mary said...

You go girl! It IS time to get up and move in faith. We need to grab ahold of the promises that God has for us and take our land with no fear. That land is our kids and their spouses and grandchildren and their spouses to a thousand generations. We need to hear the plans and strategies He has for us and understand the times we live in. Just as Joshua and Caleb saw that they could take the land that God had already given them, even with giants there.

If we don't take a stand, we just lay there and get flabby! And the enemy loves flabby Christians. We can't be flabby warriors. There is no such thing!
Love you.