Saturday, December 06, 2008

lazy coma

Don't really have anything exciting to say but I'm sitting around in a lazy coma so I figured I mightaswell blog.

I started today off with sleeping in til 9:30. Not really something I endorse but, hey, whatever. Mitch had left shortly after 7 for a men's breakfast. All I can say is, I'm glad I'm not a man. Us ladies tend to gravitate towards evening activities or at least brunches. 7:30am is not my style. So, yeah, after he left, I went back to sleep....for 2 more hours.

After a rousing cuppa coffee and a shower, I went to a Creative Memories Open House and snagged a few things for me and a couple of gifts. Didn't get home until after 12:30, where I found the kids and Mitch digging into leftovers and ramen.

This afternoon I needed to run to town to pick up Chandler, who had spent the night at a friend's house last night. I planned on making a deposit and picking up a couple things at Wal-Mart, but alas, I left my wallet {holding all debit cards and checks} at home. Doh. Thank You Jesus, I had paid online for the 1 hour photo development I had emailed over. So at least I got to take home my pics.

That lended itself to THE most productive part of my day. I put together 5 calenders for Christmas gifts. All I had to do was attach a photo on each month but, bless the Lord, I did something!

The kids and I threw together a batch of People Puppy Chow and I made Yakisoda for supper. Laundry is in process. The kids are now busy creating gifts for ALL the extended family- in between sisterly arguments. Joy. I have decided, with hubby's prompting, that anything else that was on the 'to do list' will still be here Monday. So that's the end of production for me, folks. I'm off to find a book or somethin'. I'll leave ya pictures from the past week. Of days more exciting....

first snow of the year. well, it mighta snowed while we were in Texas but we weren't here so it wouldn't count anyway.

some kind soul found this laser-totin' guy and mailed it to My Beloved. Mitch and his brothers had one just like it when they were kids. fond being re-created with our own kids!

the tree, in process

the finished product. the kids have been busy creating gifts so it's twice as loaded now.

the new doo. though it ended up looking a lot like the old one. ah well.


Anonymous said...

i LIKE your hair! :)

reallyniceday said...

it may look a bit like the old do, but it looks great! It brightens your eyes~

The tree is so fun~the kids did a super job getting all the decorations all over and not in that one spot, ya know... ;)

Hope to get down to see ya...maybe if you decide to do your little ditty

Bless ya friend~

Kimmie said...

Oh, a sleep lovely.

Sure sounds like you got a bunch done...

Your new style is matches YOU well.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted