Thursday, September 11, 2008

if all else fails.... photos.

My hubby's out of town for several days. I should be in bed since I will be rising in 5 1/2 hours. But I've been wanting to post a few pictures for over a week now and my mom just emailed me pics of me and my new neicey so the pillow can wait.

An art piece I've been wanting for quite a while now. Someone blessed me with some moo-lah designated 'for house stuff' so I went on the search for this piece I first spotted at Target. It had been sold out of 3 of 4 Target's I've tried lately and not listed at so I was worried. Especially when I found it at several internet stores for $100 to $200. Yikes. The fourth Target had ONE left! Thank You, Jesus!

I loaded up on TOO MANY of these homemade scones over a 48 hour period last week.

My Beloved got tickets for two of our college home games this year. Just him and me.

Sunday I woke up feeling pretty rough. In the evening Mitch made the drive into town for mint icecream at my request. He brought these too!

And lastly......

Me and the new baby!


reallyniceday said...

She is such a dolly! And you're looking beautiful as ever, too!

Glad you got the pic. You have been wanting that for a long time. It is pretty sweet.

Anonymous said...

AAwwww! How adorable...are you getting ideas?

javamamma said...

Ha! No ideas here. Just that I absolutely adore being auntie. So there. ;)