Friday, July 11, 2008

let him hear

We're home from our short little trip out west. The service was totally full of God and not so much full of people. Hey, I'd rather have that than vice versa.

In our little venture, we took time to take the kids to Wall-E. I've heard some say it was pretty lame. Me? I thought it was fabulous! Maybe it's because I had a head's up ... 'if anyone has an ear, let him hear'. I kept my ear open and thought it was very funny and amazingly full of principles of the Kingdom of God.

Now the kiddos are sleeping but are sure to wake up early since they slept most of the way home too. Sleep doesn't seem too close for me so I outta put down the computer and pick up a my Bible. And after that, The Hobbit. ;)


ConservaChick said...

Hey, even if the movie is bad... I always enjoy taking my kids to the movies. We are going to see Journey to the Center of the Earth. Only my boys would like Wall-E (sp?) so we compromise and find something that would appeal to a 12 year old AND 6 year old and those kiddos in between.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

First of all, I love your new profile picture!
Second of all, I am glad to hear you say you liked Wall-E because my Andrew's birthday is coming up next week and he has been wanting to see it forever.
I have heard that it wasn't that good, so it's nice to hear a different side!

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Thanks for the "heads up". We'll probably be seeing it soon.

Kimmie said...

Oh, my girlfriend wanted to take our youngest this week to this...good to know we should keep our ears open ;-)

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted