Friday, April 18, 2008


I was on my way through town to drop some paint off to Mitch at the church when I noticed our neighbor's chicken house on fire. Bad deal. I rushed to HairJoy to inform my good neighbor of her plight. We scurried over and whipped out the hose. I called Mitch and he came to offer his manly wisdom. The wind was blowing a gajillion miles an hour and the 60 year old building burnt to the ground in a hurry. I believe all 35 chickens were lost....poor things were in a pile at the door, not able to get out. As tragic as this event is, it's not every day you get to stand out in the wind and rain and watch a house burn down. :)


Urban Girl said...

I like that you thought to stop and take a picture...LOL!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I'm sure that was a big loss to your neighbor! :(

Way to whip out the camera for blog footage!

How on earth does a chicken house catch on fire?

And is a chicken house and a chicken coop the same thing?

javamamma said...

As for having the camera - actually it was my phone. I thought I'd take pics in case any of their family wanted to see their loss in flames.

And yes, a chicken coop is a chicken house. Oh, and the cause of fire was probably a heat lamp that must of fell.

Chelle said...

oh, that's so sad...but it is quite the picture!

reallyniceday said...

Unbelievable! And yah, I was wondering the same thing, how did it catch on fire? So weird...

Anonymous said...

Oh the poor chickens. That is so sad. Is your neighbor okay?

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Awwww :( Those poor little chickens...
Did you say that thing had been there for SIXTY years? Dern.

Christin said...

I don't know whether to be sad that there was a fire...or laugh that you considered it a treat to see it. hahahhaa

Such a funny woman you are :)

Diane Meyer said...

That is so sad.
When we see a house burning on tv, we always say the neighbors should grab some marshmallows and chocolate and get busy. After we pray for their safey, of course.:-)
Is it inappropriate to ask if any of the chicken breasts or drumsticks were saved....?