Thursday, April 03, 2008

I'm on my way

In a few hours I leave to a women's conference. This year I get to MC/introduce speakers all day tomorrow. I love bossing people around so it should be fun. :)

I'll be gone two nights - about an hour and half from home. As circumstances turn out, I'll be in a hotel room all by my lonesome, with no close-stay-up-all-night-chatting friends anywhere in site. As delightful as that sounds in theory, I know by tomorrow afternoon I'll be aching for my family and some good conversation.


Christin said...

You got a laptap you can take? always helps me pass the time when NOOOOO OOOOONNNNNNEEE is around.

There's a christian site where you can watch CHRISTIAN TV for free. I just have to find it and get it to you ASAP!!!!

javamamma said...

Laptop is going - IHOP 24/7 webstream will be running.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Have a GREAT time!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like time to make friends and raid someone else's motel room!

Have a great time!


Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

I hope you have a nice time. I was going to ask about the laptop as well. Glad that one is going with you.

Kimmie said...

You are so cute!

I'd love to go with you, but instead I will pray that the Holy Spirit show up and that He would speak to your heart (all night!)

Quiet is good, embrace it and wait on Him my sweet friend!

Have fun bossing, hee-hee!(well, don't try to boss the Holy Spirit ;-)

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted