Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm cowboy boots

I'm going to post about my birthday real soon, maybe tomorrow. It was everything a 30th birthday should be - minus being sick.

But for now, what shoe are you? I was shocked to see I was cowboy boots but I must say the description was pretty accurate, so I guess I'm boots!

You Are Cowboy Boots

This doesn't mean you're country, just funky.
You've got a ton of attitude and confidence.

You're unique, expressive, and even a little bit wacky.
You wear whatever you feel like and you have your own sense of style.

You are straight shooting and honest. You tell people how it is.
Low maintenance and free wheeling, you're always up for an adventure.

You should live: Where you can at least get to wide open spaces

You should work: In a job that allows you to take change


Anonymous said...

happy birthday, cowgirl!!

Chelle said...

Fun quiz! Being a bit of a shoe addict, I think I'll try this one. :-)

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

You're only 30?! Wowsers!
Happy Birthday, girlie!

This is me, and I have to say, I concede wholeheartedly:


You are a true free spirit, and you can't be tied down.
Even wearing shoes can be a little too constraining for you at times!

You are very comfortable in your own skin.
You are one of the most real people around. You don't have anything to hide.

Open and accepting, you are willing to discuss or entertain almost any topic.
You are a very tolerant person. You are accepting and not judgmental.

You should live: Somewhere warm

You should work: At your own business, where you can set the rules

Anonymous said...

I'm BAREFOOT!! It actually goes with me, I have to say.