Thursday, February 21, 2008


A paragraph from today's "Bread and Wine" reading:

...In the presence of his integrity, our own pretense is exposed. In the presence of his constancy, our cowardice is brought to light. In the presence of his fierce love for God and for us, our own hardness of heart is revealed. Take him out of the room and all those things become relative. I am not that much worse than you are not you than I, but leave him in the room and there is no room to hide. He is the light of the world. In his presence, people either fall down to worship him or do everything they can to extinguish his light....
...Today, while he dies, do not turn away. Make yourself look in the mirror. Today no one gets away without being shamed by his beauty. Today no one flees without being laid bare by his light...


Christin said...

wow. I'm going to have to read this one a few more times.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

this. is. powerful.
It just exudes truth. Truth with an "ouch".