Wednesday, February 20, 2008

convict your pants off

Monday morning, I had the luxury of having a couple hours completely to myself with no one to care for, entertain or hang out with. There's pros and cons to that, eh? It's amazing how, if you happen to have a couple hours to do ANYTHING you want - your mind races to the millions of things you COULD do, but it's hard to actually chose something TO do.

I ended up tanning and then heading to Wal-Mart for a couple necessities and then to Starbuck's for an hour of reading, people-watching, a caramel macchiatto and coffee cake. The distance between where I dropped the kids off at school and tanned to the town with Wal-Mart and Starbuck's gave me enough time to listen to an INCREDIBLE, kick-butt, motivate, inspire, convict the pants off me message. It was from a gal from Hillsong Church in Australia. Can I say, those people have incredible wisdom and are worth letting invest into your life and ministry?

The jest of the message was, "Of those who have much, much is required and actually demanded." And of course, even if you think you don't have much - you do. And God is requiring you to use it and by golly, we better get on the ball. Soooo, with my much time and energy - I baked some cookies and deposited a plate to three different neighbors yesterday. Yay me. I actually heard the word and was a do-er - atleast for yesterday.

I was also inspired to put together a (?) 6-week challenge for my church gals {and myself}. I'm going to come up with a weekly challenge {for six weeks} of using our 'much'. These are things that should probably just come naturally and ooze out of us, as believers. But, unfortunately, I tend to get caught up in my own little world and forget to use my 'much' to bless the world around me.

So here's to the 'MUCH' that is inside each one of us - and to using it for His glory!


Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Amen sister!
Will you be posting what your challenges are going to be for the 6 week period? I would love to do something like that!

javamamma said...

Sure, I'll post the challenges. We will probably start in March - towards the end.

junglemama said...

It is great to feel convicted. Often times that is when we are most productive for God.

Anonymous said...

awesome. I'd be interested in hearing your 6 week challenge :) sounds great.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I am indeed convicted. I know even though I am a single mom I could be using my gifts and talents to better serve the body. Thanks for the reminder. Some weeks I forget when busyness overtakes me.