Friday, October 05, 2007

sentimental rush

This morning when I was dropping Robin off at preschool, we heard the rat-a-tat clicking of the marching band coming down the road. The high school band was practicing. And me, I've got this weird deal where I get a sentimental rush of emotions every time I hear a marching band. So I'm standing there at my car door, watching the band, with tears in my eyes. How weird.

Oh, and they're not like tears of cringing, crap-this-is-really-bad kinda thing. Our high school band is good, really good. Our middle school band could probably play circles around most high school bands. Case in point: tonight at the football game I overheard a high school girl from the other team say to her friend. "We should play this song." Her friend's response? "We tried. It's hard and we're bad at it."

So back to my sentimental, teary weirdness. I've never been in band. I've never played any sports. In fact, I'm not a very knowledgeable fan but I also get pretty emotional at sporting events. The "Star Spangled Banner" gets me every time. And I'm pretty far from your patriotic, all-American, republican kinda person. I don't think that our 'founding forefathers' rate up there with, God. (veering off my trail, oops) Yet, whenever I go to a game, when the band is playing and the team is standing and every body's facing the flag - I get all mushy. I sheepishly hide my tears and swallow hard. It's really stupid.

I have no idea what turns me into this bumbling softy at these inopportune times. I wish I could go to a football game without feeling all weepy for the first 10 minutes of the game. I don't know if there's this sort of comradery instinct that wells up in me or what. You know, it would maybe be OK if I actually had a son out on the field but with 3 young daughters this is ridiculous. So for now, I will hide my tears and secretly thank God my heart's soft enough to be smitten by a marching band. As weird as that is.


Cahleen @ The Alt Story said...

I'm glad you have a soft heart! We need more people like that in the world. =)

Anonymous said...

I have the same feeling with the Star Spangled Banner, God Bless the USA, etc... I feel like a dork. Not only that I feel that way but also since you already posted and I'm like, yeah me too. That's worse.

And marching bands....I think it's the drums for me...and horns...and..

There's something to this. I just thought about how Nebuchadnezzar had all the instruments play before the people bowed down to the image.

We should study this out. All the instruments playing in unison must evoke worship. It has to draw it out of us. Maybe it has to do with unity. I dunno.

I'll stop now.

Anonymous said...

And that would be my paroxysm for the day. ;)

javamamma said...

Alright I looked up paroxysm - that didn't seem violent at all. An outburst maybe, but not a violent one. :)

Christin said...

Okay, so the question you cry at all weddings, TLC's Baby Story, and Hallmark Commercials around Christmas? ;)

I love soft hearts. Makes me feel normal. *grin*

reallyniceday said...

I needed to use it in a sentence today. :)

javamamma said...

Mostly yes to your questions, Christin but it's not a 100% deal. The baby thing - for sure, the others - sometimes. Sometimes my hubby cries first in movies. But don't tell him I told you that. ;)

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Ok, that is sooooo not weird. I do that, and so does my friend. It stirs something in your soul, but I just can't figure out what.
I have *always* been like that, even as a kid.

Halfmoon Girl said...

I get the same way over our anthem at times. Amazing Grace on the bagpipes turns me into a weeping machine.

Chelle said...

I second halfmoon girl. O Canada, Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art...I get weepy.

Yes, I also weep over fictional characters in books and movies..and it's not just a girl thing! My hubby's the same way. :-)

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Just as I suspected; we'd be perfect together even at a football game.

ConservaChick said...

My mother in law majored in music theory and has often gone into the emotional effects that certain chords can have your emotions. Some chords are good, some bad. A lot of heavy metal uses the "bad chords". I find it very interesting... and it really shows the power of music. Praise and worship lifts us up, death metal brings death. Who knew? Grandma was right after all! ~Karlie

javamamma said...

That is super interesting, Conservachick. Whatever they use in band music must be the feel good chords!