Friday, October 19, 2007

mrs. meatball in euphoria

I'm scurrying (ha) to get ready to go (for the weekend) before I leave to work in an hour but here's a couple things I just HAD to share with you all.

First off: I've been called lots of things. Some good, some heartwarming, some bad, some true, some so off-base, but Mrs. Meatball is one thing I've NEVER been called...until today. Let me explain. When Mitch went to Romania a few weeks ago, he found out his name means 'meatball' in Romanian. They called him Pastor Meatball the entire time he was there and we got a good laugh about it. So I suppose if he is Pastor Meatball, I am Mrs. Meatball - as reallyniceday has dubbed me HERE. I'm not too worried about you clicking the link because if you are a reader of my blog, you already know how disfunctional I am, so any kind words you read about me there, you will temper with what you already know to be true about me. I have a few strengths (God given) and lots of weaknesses (result of The Fall). Oh and all the oozing things she says about my hubby are true. He is simply amazing. :)

And now: this new, seasonal creamer is AMAZING. It's cleaning-your-ear-out-with-a-q-tip good. It's saturating-your-dry-eyes-with-eye-drops good. It's, I'll just stop there, huh? Anyways, I really like this stuff!

I think I'll be helping a friend set up her very own, very first blog this weekend. I'll introduce you soon! Have a fab weekend!


Kimmie said...

What a nice friend you are to help "setup" into blogland!

Hope you have a fun time, Mrs. Meatball!

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Christin said...

hahahaha It's the last part of your blog that cracked me up. I love people who can love God AND have a sense of humor at the same time. *wink*

And apparently you like ear-cleaning too? I thought I was a crazy woman for that one.

Hope the weekend was good!!?

reallyniceday said...

Oh, come was right on and you know it. ;)

Now for that creamer...was that at Super Target? I haven't seen it here.

javamamma said...

Actually I found the creamer at the crummy Wal-Mart. It was in the 'seasonal dairy section'.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I KNEW you were amazing!! Your friend has confirmed it!! Her description of you is so beautiful and honoring!

ConservaChick said...

I am halfway through my first bottle of Vanilla Spiced Rum Creamer and I'm loving too. Orgasmic, maybe, but as good as cleaning your ears? You may be crossing the line on that one.
Oh, and if you must know, my boys have plenty of clean underwear (because I buy more everytime they run out, not because I actually do laundry or anything). ~Karlie

javamamma said...

Karlie: you know I was jokin' with ya on the laundry thing right?!?! And, really, you don't think that cleaning out your ears is an 'out of body' experience? OK, add that to the 'weird things about me' list.

ConservaChick said...

Yeah, I knew you were joking...and yes the ear thing I will add to the weird things about you list for sure! Don't sweat it though. I have a thing for fake grass door mats and bare feet. Don't ask. ~Karlie

Christin said...

Okay Mrs. Meatball...I'm still waiting for a report about the weekend retreat. *wink*

javamamma said...

It's coming, it's coming. As soon as I get more than 2 minutes to sit. Sigh.