Sunday, September 30, 2007

a double dose

Well, the good news is I got the floor mopped and the beds put into bedrooms with sheets on them.

The bad news is the house was still not in the condition I would have hoped for today - oh well. Life goes on, eh? Thankfully, I should be able to scrub the grubby toilets tomorrow during school hours. Maybe I can clear out a little more clutter as well.

But then again, it's My Beloved's day off so we try to hang out in the morning while all three chicas are in school (it's one of 3 pre-K mornings for little Robi-bird). We'll see how the day plays out.

In other thoughts....

This morning during worship I was provoked to thought about God as King. It seems to be my theme lately. I think it's really hard as Americans to grasp the idea of a King and His Kingdom. I don't think we get it. I don't think I get it.

During worship I also began burying my head in Jesus' chest (in my heart) and crying to Him that I don't want to do this anymore. I want to do 'big things'. Honestly, I'm pretty good at big things. I love pulling off a dinner for 15, yet I scurry to get dinner for my little family of 5. I can plan and direct a VBS for 50 kids, yet I can't consistently read the Bible with my kids. So yeah, I suck at the routine, small, mundane, consistent part of life. And that's where I'm at. The daily, consistent, love-those-around-me, kind of stuff. Ugh. (I told my husband I wouldn't make a good pastor's wife. ;) )

But life goes on. I won't quit. (Like, how do you do that anyways?) Jesus is worth it all. It's a 'momentary light affliction'. And maybe I really will have friends someday. (Oops, did I just ramble there?) And yeah, life goes on.

I'm pretty sure my lamentation is sugar-induced since I ate more sugar yesterday than I have in the last 60 days combined. Again, ugh. So, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. His mercies are new every morning. And I feel like I need a double dose. A double dose of mercy...and grace.


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I know what you mean. I have definitely been there.

And I know you know all of this, but you ARE doing the big things. There is no greater calling, nothing more important you could be doing than raising those three beautiful girls to know God; the King. Those little moments with them are shaping eternity.

Wish we lived closer. I'd be your friend. :) Enjoy your man; toilets will wait!!

Mycrazylife said...

Yeah I know what you mean. I suck at the routine consistent things too. I wonder why that is? Boredom? Maybe it just becomes so routine that it's hard to give it 100%, or maybe we just have our minds on doing bigger things, which prevent us from focusing on the smaller but important things. Just a thought.

Anyway, have a blessed week!

Anonymous said...

Do you want me to sing "the" song for you right now? I will...

...this momentary light affl....

Anonymous said...

And I rejoice in the fact that even when we fall short, He still loves us and delights in us. What an amazing God we have.


Christin said...

This sounds soo much like a blog I just wrote.

All that to say...I hear your heart!! You just have to marvel at the grace of God amidst of cluelessness.

On a different note: I tend to think that the best pastor's wives are the ones that don't allow themselves to be set atop a pedestal. That KNOW their weaknesses, lay them at His feet, and keep on going. I have a feeling that it's the authenticity about you that draws people in. Not the fact that you have some proverbial checklist that you get right. ;)