Friday, May 25, 2007

oh. crap.

OK, so I'm on this quest to de-flab, if only slightly, before our trip to San Antonio. I've been working out most days. I've cut creamer and syrup in my coffee down to once every couple days instead of 4 times a day. I've tried to atleast be conscious of the food I eat instead of just downing everything I see at will. And, I have tried to atleast eat something in this morning with my coffee, knowing that supposedly if I eat something, I will eat less during the day.

Alright, confession time. The something I eat most mornings is a Brown Sugar Cinnamon Poptart. I know it's terribly bad for me (rachelle, reallyniceday, consverachick, mom...oh heck, all ya'll) - I'm thinking sugar and white flour - but my hope is that that little bit of bad for me somehow helps my appetite the rest of the day.

So here comes the 'oh crap' part...Do you know that poptarts aren't only white flour/white sugar bad for you? They are so high in fat content that I nearly vomited when I actually looked at the 'nutritional content' (ha) this morning. Who woulda thought? Obviously, not this naive food addict.

So I guess I'm sworn off Poptarts....atleast for the next 2 weeks. Bummer.

Oooooh, I just looked at the website - they have a low fat version. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken so hastily. :o)


reallyniceday said...

I say, Full fat or not at all. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

Chelle said...

Argh. Don't you hate it when that happens?

Chelle said...

Hey, I wasn't done yet! I was going to add that I feel massive amounts of guilt everytime I leave off the "no whip" part of my order at Starbucks.

Have you ever read Body by God by Ben Lerner? His diet regimen is pretty rigid, but some of his philosophies behind changing your eating patterns are really sound. One of the things he suggests is that rather than just cutting out all the food you love, try adding something healthy. You gradually add more healthy stuff until the junk is few and far between. Worked for me!

javamamma said...

No, I haven't read that book but it sounds like my way to do things. As in, keep filling [your mind] with more of God until the bad stuff is shoved out. I'll have to look into that book. Thanks!

ConservaChick said...

No lectures from me, I had cake for dinner, AND I ate so much of it I have a bellyache. I'm feeling like a mega food addict tonight.
So here is the dilemma. Do we try to eat normal food in moderation, or do we eat health food? Both ways, I feel like I'm in food bondage. I'm so sick of avoiding carbs I want to scream, but a upset tummy from sugar overload isn't too fun either (nor is the 5 pound weight gain I'll see next week if I don't knock it off).
How about you? If you find the answer, send it my way. OK?

javamamma said...

No wisdom from me. I'm still living out rebelling against my childhood ways. My mother is a MAJOR 'health frea...I mean nut' - whole foods, organic, whole wheat, yada, yada, yada...oh and no red meat or pork. Yeah, rebellion.

Mary said...

Just say NOOOOOOOO! Actually, I think it's something in the moon and how we're coming to a full moon soon! (Works for me!) I know alot of people right now that are eating everything in sight. The fat grams are like wicked little thingamobobs that stick to you forever!