Wednesday, May 02, 2007

household update

Besides getting ready for a garage sale this weekend, I jumped full into VBS prep this week. Being 'pastor's wife', I am the director by default. Which is fine. Last year was really fun - oh, I was in charge of the opening and closing 'stations' too. This year will be no different though my first choice would be to just organize, not participate but this is small church life and what you call 'servanthood' eh? Really I'm not complaining.

The garage sale business - the neighboring town, where the kids go to school, is having their community sale this weekend so I'm borrowing a driveway there and setting up shop. I'm praying to sell enough to fund my kids' back-to-school shopping spree this fall. Or atleast get a good start on the fund.

Tomorrow morning I'm taking my 'Mommeez Group' into the 'local' Starbuck's. We finished "Taking Care of the ME in Mommy" a couple weeks ago and wanted to end our session with a fun trip. Another gal in the group is going to take over leading the group, as I feel my season in this area is over.

I told My Beloved I'd like to do a 'deep' study group. I'm done being 'practical' for a while. That's not really true but I would like to chomp on some spiritual meat for a season. We'll see what comes about. I actually would like to do a discussion group on 'sex god' with our 20-somethings.

On Friday after school, my middle princess is hosting a tea party for 3 of her friends. It's been quite a feat for her to venture out on her own (not with big sis) and make her own friends. As the school year closes out, I'm glad she has a few. She was just awakened to the fact that she will not be with all of her kindergarten classmates when they go into 1st grade. Ouch. We're praying that her one good friend will be in the same class with her though.

So that's my week, with a field trip to the zoo thrown in. Oh, and a special Mother's Day party at the Kindergarten class. Fun stuff. Now all my children are sleeping and I'm headed to bed. Night.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

The princess tea party sounds like fun!

I kind of get what you mean about wanting to move on in your spiritual life...enough milk, time for meat. :-)