Sunday, May 06, 2007

the deep thoughts of me

I have nothing really to write today but it's been 3 days since I posted so here I am.

My Beloved and I have been chatting - that's not really the right word - about people, relationships, spiritual maturity, perceptions, failure, success, feelings, sin, obedience and all that circles around that.

On the subject of spiritual maturity: I think that some people (me?), after serving God for a long time, say 20 years or so, seem to feel as though there is nothing left except to continue to love God. Yeah, a sin may creep at some point during the day but you just repent of it before you go to bed and you're good. You know everything there is to know about God, about how to be a good Christian and all that jazz.
My thought: Unless you are being challenged in your heart, you're not mature, you're stagnant. We should be ever challenged by our Father and having the eyes of our understanding ever enlightened.

On the subject of people: There are pros and cons to be surrounded by 'lower class' or maybe I should say 'poverty mentality' folk, disfunctional type people and those that perceive themselves as middle to upper class, functional type people. Both camps of people have things about them that make it hard to pastor or lead.

And on that note: what does make a good leader? Confidence? Obedience to God? Loving people? Vulnerability? Thinking you're a good leader? Others thinking you're a good leader?

On sin: Yes, I know you reap what you sow but when does the grace of God come in? When does He bless when I don't deserve it? Is a weakness on my part directly linked to something bad that I reap?

Is it OK to have a small group around the book 'sex god'? Do people freak out when you tell them it's a really, really good book. (and it is) It paints a picture of the Gospel and the love of Jesus that is tremendous. It talks about emotions. It talks about human value. It talks about right and wrong. Do you advertise that from the pulpit? What about the older folk - do you risk a heart attack or a accusing finger pointed at you?

And on the topic of Rob Bell, author of 'sex god' and other strangely titled books, do people honestly doubt his salvation or others in the "Emergent Church" movement? Well, I suppose there are 'goats among sheep' in any 'movement'. I don't think I'd put Rob Bell in this goat category - I'm telling ya, he preaches Jesus as clearly as I've ever heard it in this book.

These, and many more, are the deep mullings in the air at my home today. Not really looking for any pat answers, just thoughts I'm pondering. Oh, the mysterious God I serve.

Now, we head to a dream session on the future of our church. God has a destiny and a plan. Now we get to listen to people process that out loud. Sigh.


ConservaChick said...

This was a really good post. I get in those contemplative moods myself... more often than I'd care to.
You know, in my humble opinion what makes a good leader is someone who will follow God's promptings, no matter what others think. I've seen people so crippled by trying to meet everyone else's standards of good leadership, and missing out on God's plan.
With that said... if God says do a Sex God study... DO IT! (Even if you do get a few ruffled feathers at the title of the first chapter!)

ConservaChick said...

Oh, I forgot to ask if I could add your link to the side thingy of my blog (see how technically savvy I am) so I can keep up on reading it.

javamamma said...

Sure, you can put a link to my blog. Have a great week! Oh, and your kids GO to school - what do you do all day? Hehe :o)

Anonymous said...

Things that make me laugh...(because it's your situation and not mine)

-processing out loud

-Sex God study being announced from the pulpit...brings my thoughts to

-myspace sites being exposed on the multimedia

You bring humor into my life. Not that that was the intention but anyhow, I love ya, chic!

javamamma said...

The myspace episode will be my all-time favorite for a long time I think. Oh the shock.

The processing out loud thing wasn't bad, actually it was quite good. So hip-hip-hooray for life.

I'm glad I could lighten your evening with some humor straight from the sticks!

Chelle said...

Great post. Your question about reaping/sowing/grace intrigued me.

I'm glad your dream-casting session went well.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

My thoughts on a few that stood out to me:
Spiritual Maturity~I agree completely
People~The common denominator in each class is that they are all sinners, so I guess it will always be hard when called to serve people in general. Wearying, huh?
On the sex god book, I guess my off the cuff response is; Why did he choose to name it that? Was it just for the shock value to get people to open it up, or what? I have never heard of the book, and I don't know what it is about, but I have always wondered why some folks choose titles that may be considered offensive in some circles (i.e. the older folks) just to grab your attention. If the goal is to really teach God's word (and they do a good job within the covers of the book) then my mindset is to trust God with a less offending title? I don't know...I may have missed the whole point of your ponderings on that subject..but that's my thoughts on this one, anyway :^)

ConservaChick said...

What do I do all day? I eat Bon Bons and watch soaps all day... of course, don't you?

javamamma said...

For sure! ;o)