Tuesday, March 27, 2007

whirlwind weekends

Whirlwind weekends. Gotta love 'em. My family (parents and 6 children still living at home) arrived Friday evening - we hosted them through Sunday afternoon.

Then Sunday night we had the singles of the church over for dinner and games. It was our annual 'Valentines Schmalentines' Dinner - our celebration of those who are without spouse and usually despise being reminded of it at Valentine's Day. :o) We had a great time over a taco bar and the game 'Apples to Apples', which is NOT my favorite game but I did win the first round! Fun times.

Yesterday my husband and I (and our youngest) went to a pastor's luncheon an hour away. Oh, that was after waking up to my middle daughter saying, 'Mamma, do we have school today?' I said, 'yes' as I looked at my clock and realized that my alarm didn't go off and we had 20 minutes to get in the car to head to school! Yikes.

Anyways, we went to a pastor's luncheon.....I haven't been to this monthly event for quite a while, though My Beloved has a few times. As we were beginning the time with worship, I was pondering what I would say if they did the traditional - 'tell us who you are and what you're about' thing. As I was worshipping and fellowshipping with the Lord, I decided that my mission right now is wrapped up in my King and to make His name famous.

Well, they didn't 'go around the table' but the hosting pastor did share something that resonated with my 'make His name famous' thought. He shared a circle of how things, most everything, should flow. This is what the circle looks like...

The circle works counterclockwise. Everything - ideas, thoughts, healings, blessings, etc. - should begin with God, He releases it and it becomes revelation to us. We then have to receive that revelation. Now it's with us, our job is not to 'glory' in the fact that He poured out on us a thought, a healing, a blessing, but our job is to invest it, share it - it's the 'word of our testimony' that begins the upward cycle back to God. This investment brings praise to the Lord, which turns into glory in His presence, which of course, bring you back to Him. Back to Him - that's the key. It's about Him.

God does not bless so that I feel better or even get my needs met, though that's an awesome by-product. God's plan is that the circle completes and He is glorified. I love this concept. It encapsulates so much of my thoughts of late. Awesome.

So, to finish out my whirlwind weekend....After this meeting we had to get our other 2 daughters, who had been retrieved from school by a friend. We met them at an exit past our house, on our way to the opposite end of the state to have supper with several friends, who all were in the city for the day. Crazy. We finally ended back at home at 9:30pm.

Today is slower, amen. I'm catching up on some reading and some laundry! Maybe I'll even get to watch 'Casa Blanca' this afternoon before going to supper with a couple in our church tonight to discuss some possible future plans of the church. Selah.


Chelle said...

I love that circle. It's easy to see God as giving, not so easy to remember the giving back to Him part. Good stuff.

reallyniceday said...

I thought I had seen that circle before, but could not for the life of me even remember how they all flowed let alone which direciton the circle went without reading the rest of your post. Thanks for posting the explanation.

We may see you in a couple days. May being the key word here.

javamamma said...

I sooo hope to see you in a couple days. I was just telling My Beloved yesterday, how much I missed you!

Mary said...

Whirlwinds seem to blow out the cobwebs in our lives. How's that for wisdom? :) They're okay, as long as they're not every weekend. The circle is good stuff. One of those things that I need to chew on for my brain to grasp it all. Thanks for sharing girl. Blessings.