Thursday, March 15, 2007

48 hour whirlwind

Sitting here in the hotel at the Ladies Conference. Things start up at 9am tomorrow. I have a meeting at 8am though. My workshop is at 3:15 - so thanks for praying (Rachelle :o>). I'm pretty excited actually. As we were praying with the leaders tonight, some of the 'words' that came out were really confirming to the message I have. It's good to know I'm on the same page with the vision that God has for the conference.

Something I forgot to share that happened last weekend at the youth conference. After it was over, a guy that brought a youth group from another town came over and asked if he could share something God was showing him about us. It was a really cool word about how My Beloved and I are more effective serving the Lord together than we would be apart...which is something we've always thought and known but it was cool how he saw it - each of us wearing 1/2 a suit of armor and it was only full when we came together. Awesome.

But then, he shared three things he saw over our girls - that we had an 'Esther', a 'Deborah' and a 'Ruth'. And he said the ways they would 'rule'... kinda personal for a blog I guess. But it was really awesome since I've been really asking God for specific prayer direction for each of the girls.

Now, it's time for some sleep before the next 48 hour whirlwind....


Anonymous said...

I curious to hear (by email, of course) which of the girls was an "Esther." I have my hunch but very curious, nontheless. Hope you have a great time at the conference. That would have a spirit of wisdom and revelation and that the word of the Lord would run swiftly and be glorified in and through you!

Blessings friend!

javamamma said...

Yah, that was the kicker - he didn't say which was which so now we have the job of seeking the Lord on it. My thoughts are our middle 'negotiator'. But I need more conversation with Jesus about it. Your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Be sure to write it all down. It is amazing how quickly we can forget the words given to us. I made a folder of words that God has given to us. Then when Satan comes and says "Did God really say....." you can say Yes he did. And I am sure as time passes it will be obvious which is which.
