Friday, February 09, 2007

can't I?

On the way home from a high school basketball game tonight...

My 8 yr. old: But Mom, we are not normal people. We will never be normal people.

Ah, but I can wish for it can't I?


reallyniceday said...

Ah, yes. This is one of those realizations she'll remember for the rest of her life. Telling her husband one the car..."And we just weren't a normal family! We never were a normal family..."


Anonymous said...

I do sometimes find myself wishing for a "normal" life. And at other times I'm very thankful that we are "abnormal". :-)

Anonymous said...

Ah, but you be happy if you were normal?

Chelle said...

I'm stopping by to say "hi" and to let you know I've moved! Hope you had a great weekend.