Monday, January 08, 2007

puttin' away the pasta

My new phone arrived today! WooHoo. Actually, I'm pretty pumped about my new, flashy red phone. Only down side - I really don't get that many phone calls. Oh well.

In a week, our church begins a week-long time of focused prayer and fasting. Probably 2 prayer meetings a worship.....worship via coffee, well maybe coffee. I'm asking Jesus what He'd have for me to do for Him during this time. And then the grace to pull through. I really do not enjoy taking food away from my flesh. I really love to eat....pretty much anything, but especially carbs - breads, pastas, - ya know the good stuff. Maybe I have a food addiction. Maybe I'm rambling......


Anonymous said...

God's ways are not our, they are better. Go with God.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya on the carb addiction. :-)

I noticed on your sidebar that you are reading "taking care of the me in mommy". I almost bought this book last week. How are you enjoying it?

Anonymous said...

I suggest if you're going off coffee to start praying now that your head doesn't explode the first three or four days. Maybe purchase the Ibuprofin in bulk?

javamamma said...

I just started reading "taking care of the me in mommy" because I'm going to take our Mommeez Club (mother's support group) through it here soon. It's very good so far.

I had to force myself to start it because I'm kinda in a different mode (think Soren Keirkegaard - very DEEP) but I've found some great practical tips for myself and it will be a great book for my group. It's worth having.