Sunday, January 14, 2007

not in a good way

It's not very often that this preacher's wife misses a Sunday morning service - this is one of those rare occasions. Yesterday, I woke up feeling like I'd been in a fight the night before, oh the aches. As the day wore on things got better but by 10:30 last night, I knew my physical body was not in a good way. This morning, I woke up in the same condition I did yesterday so here I sit, in front of the fire, Brian Zahnd preaching at me since we don't have our webstream set up yet.

A few days ago, I read this in 'Provocations' and it still pops up in my musings so I'll share...

"We live under the illusion that we must first have the interpretation right or the belief in perfect form before we can begin to live - that is, we never get around to doing what the Word says."


Anonymous said...

here's hoping you feel better, girlfriend. I admire how you keep yourself stocked on mentally sharpening "mind-food." (books of all varieties) Keep sharing and spurring us on.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're not feeling well! Hope you're on the mend soon.

That was such a challenging quote. It's very humbling to read something like that and realize that it hits far too close to home. Love your's always so challenging and inspiring!