Sunday, December 17, 2006

o come Emmanuel

Whew, I made it through the weekend. Now I just have to go help in my daughter's class tomorrow and I can sit back and relax through Christmas vacation. Seriously. We bought and wrapped all our gifts already - a first. No more church activities, well not any major ones and after tomorrow no more school events to participate it - well I do have to bring punch to the kindergarten party on Thursday....piece of cake.

Anyways, our open house went swell. I'm not sure just how many people traipsed (I love that word) through our house yesterday but it was a good crowd. Lots of fun. Evidently God graced me to pace myself through the week and there was no last-minute panic. Thank You Jesus.

On another note....
This morning we were singing "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" in church and it suddenly became more than just another Christmas song. Intercession for 'captive Israel' being ransomed became my song. O come Emmanuel!


Carol G said...

Regarding "fakeness" you mentioned in your comment. I don't really think it is "fakeness" when you want your kids to not be grungy to go to town, is it? I mean, I hate my hair to need a haircut, but it does - and so I get it cut. It makes me feel better about myself to look good, and I want my kids to look respectable too. On the other hand, I don't spend hours in the bathroom, or curl the girls' hair to go to town... I don't think I'm overdoing it. I don't think you are white trash to be the other way either. We've certainly had our share of times going to town in the ragged clothes, but it just isn't my preference. Dear me, am I just getting paranoid?!

I love the song "O Come Emmanuel" by the way. Our church back in Illinois used to use it every Sunday through advent when lighting the advent candles for the service. The kids did a little dance to it, and it gives me lots of warm memories of those 7 years there when I think of it.


Anonymous said...

That has always been one of my favorite Christmas carols...there's something so pristine and beautiful about it. I've never thought of it in light of present Israel though...very interesting.

Glad to hear your weekend went well!

Anonymous said...

We have sung "O Come O Come Emmanuel each Sunday of advent... (did you know there are really EIGHT verses? " - it comes from an antiphon thingy... LOL.

ANYWAY, I relate, as we rehearsed the song, and tried to make it unique and our own, we began praying for Israel, and all the stuff going on over there has becolme so much more real. Its like giving me words to pray over them.

Carol G said...

I thought that is what you meant about fakeness. No offense taken. I rambled too much.


javamamma said...

carol g:
actually I was trying to Defend not Offend you. :o)

Anonymous said...

Uh, guess I missed the whole fakeness issue. I have no idea. Anyway, I like the whole first line of O Come Emmanueal. I'm not sure what the rest says but it's probably really good. ;)