I have a growing distaste for, what I call, pansy Christianity. I think Christians should LIVE life and live life abundantly. I don't think they should retreat, shrink back, or be on the defense. I think many Christian parents, not really meaning too, are producing a generations of pansy, wimpy Christians. This paragraph from Grace-Based Parenting bears my sentiments to the tee.
"These protected environments don't allow a system of spiritual antibodies to develop within the character of the child. This produces a generation of people who must stay within a spiritually sterilized environment in order to thrive. These are nice systems that produce nice kids who marry nice kids who go to nice churches and hang out with like-minded nice friends. Meanwhile, the lost people in the world around them continue in their doomed condition. In these environments, there is little spiritual adventure. God is nice, Jesus becomes a plush toy that we cuddle, and we become irrelevant."
I'm not against providing a safe environment where kids (as well as parents) can retreat from the tough life that this world offers. But there is something dreadfully wrong with creating a "sub-culture" forever and completely away from this culture, this planet we are supposed to be evangelizing. Let me quote that last part again, just because I love it....
"God is nice, Jesus becomes a plush toy that we cuddle, and we become irrelevant." God help us.
I am wondering if I read this will I feel guilty for homeschooling? :)
I question all of that, you know? I really believe I should be homeschooling, and yet to find the balance between not isolating self and protecting... there is a balance somewhere in there!!
I knew I'd ruffle some homeschool feathers with that, sorry. Yes, I believe it is a balancing act too.
Really what I challenge is that MINDSET that says, I HAVE to homeschool, I HAVE to go to this certain church because I won't have to come in contact with anyone unsaved, I CAN'T visit Wal-Mart between Oct. 1 and Jan. 1 because my kids might see those pagan idols, oh and I can't go to Wal-Mart anyway because I'm boycotting them, they support ____________ (fill in the blank with some horrible, ungodly deed). It's that protection-ist, separatist, mentality that is totally against our command of "Go into all the world".
I'm not against home-schooling, I can't speak for the author. You have to be obedient to your call. I just question anyone who feels their "calling" is to totally and always isolate their family from the people on this planet.
Whew, there's a tirade for ya! :o)
I am with you... its ok, you didn't ruffle my feathers. My son actually goes to school one day a week. And our church is trying desparately NOT to be separatist...
sigh. its good stuff!!
"I have a growing distaste for, what I call, pansy Christianity. I think Christians should LIVE life and live life abundantly. I don't think they should retreat, shrink back, or be on the defense."
-Would'nt "Pondering the vastness of god" mean that you constantly have an open mind? What gives you any right to be calling some christians PANSY......granted....It is your opinion.
But at this point you are no longer pondering... you have formed your own opions, not hypotheses.
so... either be more open or change the description of your blog.
and screw me for caring.
No, I don't really think that pondering the vastness of God means I have an open mind. It means I ponder the vastness of GOD. Like THE GOD, the GOD that is TRUTH. The GOD that's huge, who's love is huge and overwhelming. And then I ponder through my fingers, my thoughts about what I'm thinking...catch all that?
If you look up ponder in the dictionary, it means:
1 : to weigh in the mind :
2 : to think about : reflect on
intransitive verb : to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply
Typing is about the quietest way I know to "think" out loud. I'm entitled to opinions, just like you, and entitled to write what I want in my blog. YOU are entitled NOT to read or agree with it.
As for pansy Christianity, I just call it like I see it. :o) People with no back bone to defend their God or take risks for the sake of the Gospel.
Happy Days!
I so agree with you about Christianity today. It is so watered down. It is so often very difficult to see the difference between the way the world is and "Christians". Besides all the media push and new age type thinking all based on self (I often call Oprahism) we are getting it in so many of the churches. Jesus clearly spoke when he said to be in the world not of the world. When my children are in a non-christian environment I keep them close, so I can explain or stop any conversations or behaviors and the time short. I also agree with the saying of you become what you hang out with. I think in all things there needs to be a balance. I know people who believe in the bubble life and I don't think that is right. My husband is very into evangelism and we are constantly telling the kids that there are people out there who need Jesus. Our neighbor girl isn't from a Following and living for Jesus home so she comes to our house. I am not oppose to my kids going there for short periods of time, but prefer her here. My daughter won't go play at too many homes so it works out good for me. Great blog I forgot you had this one. I'll be back for sure!! We are to be as bold as a lion and gentle as a lamb. Way to be bold in a gentle way: )
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