Thursday, August 24, 2006

reading, it's my passion

Ah, finished "Grace-Based Parenting". Well, atleast I've made it through the book. This one will never be far from my bed, ya know? I guess you can all be relieved that I shouldn't be quoting it much any more. :o)

I finished this book just in time, because my good friend just sent me another book to delve into..."Envy; the enemy within" by Bob Sorge. Should be good stuff.

Problem is I just realized that I have 2 study groups starting up in a couple weeks. I guess I should read through the books I'm going to be leading discussion on, eh?

Those 2 books are "The Five Love Languages of Children" by Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell - excellent book, I've skimmed it pretty thoroughly before but now it's time to really dive in with a group of mommies.

The other is "The Case for Christ" (student edition) by Lee Strobel. I'm taking our youth group through it. I started going through the book and the leader's guide and am pretty impressed. I think this will help me just as much as it will the kids.

Sheesh, I just can't seem to read one book at a time. As for Bible reading, I'm almost through Acts right now.
Brian Zahnd has been preaching through Acts and has some great revelatory thoughts. I especially liked his message about Living in Corinth. You can listen over HERE at their church website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya about reading. I love it. I have started a book called "The prophets" by Abraham J Heschel. It's more of a help to me for studying but very good reading. I have determined to read through the prophets of the OT and am starting with Isaiah and Micah. I'm planning on doing inductive manuscript study, taking notes weeping .. the whole bit. I'll be ordering that grace based parenting book this week also. Seems as if I need it more this week than ever :o) Love ya buddy!