Saturday, December 27, 2008

a little more adventure

So, after a week of Christmas-y celebrating - we're home. In all the piles of Christmas gifts array - we're home. With all the laundry from traveling and pre-Christmas guests - we're home. With all the leftover sugary snacks - we're home. Can't say I'm thrilled with the fact, but - we're home.

It was a fun week, spent with a bunch of our most favorite people. We came home with a trunk-load of loot so it's out with the old, in with the new. I love getting rid of excess. So hopefully I can get rid of more than we brought in.

This week continues the holidays but we're still not sure what that's gonna look like for us. In years past, My Beloved and I have taken a group of young people to the 'onething conference' and left the kiddos with friends or family. Since Mitch leaves the country in 10 days, we're not going to disperse the children. So if we head out to KC, the kids would be going with and that is one option we've considered.

Another is to stay home, just us and our girls, enjoying family time before Daddy hits the road....I mean, the skies. But, since we tend to want a little more adventure than that, we've talked about inviting a couple families (with several young children) to come hang out. Decisions, decisions.

Honestly, I'm just trying to not live the next few weeks in dread. I look at the calender, and with My Beloved being gone on ministry for 16 days, the calender looks pretty bare. That does not sit well with me. I got a taste of life in the fast line for the last 6 months and, to be sure, I rather like it. Being stuck at home, in ho-hum daily life, does not thrill my soul.

Well, poo. This is a nice chit-chatty post. I'll post some nice photos of whatever we decide to do to ring in 2009, along with Christmas pics, later on in the week. Maybe we'll get to have a little more adventure than I foresee. And maybe I'll even try to get a grip on my blah attitude.


Anonymous said...

I used to be so like you, and I've turned into such a homebody... its WEIRD!! Maybe in the 'next' stage of life (when babies are a little older) I won't feel the same way and my former self will re-emerge. Or maybe it will re-emerge when we move to a warmer climate with more sunlight. Who knows!?!?

Sending prayers for your husband. How I would love to go to One Thing...

Christin said...

*laughing* Me too...I used to want to run around everywhere. and then I started to put my Womb to work. ever since then, I'm pretty much the definition of a HomeBody.

Hmmm...maybe you and your adventerous self could come visit me and my homebody self. Best of both worlds.