Thursday, December 11, 2008

a first

We figured out how to use my Blackberry as a modem, so I can now surf the net on my laptop while on the road. How fun is that?

Last night's 3 hour drive starting at 9:30 was much more endurable tuning into my favorite IHOP worship leader's set. And hubby got to surf while I drove. Kids slept. Everybody's happy.

We're headed for another couple nights of ministry with a group that meets on Friday nights. They added the Thursday for this week. The kiddos are staying with my family instead of making the whole trip with us.

Right now they are probably frosting cupcakes with my sister - the fun, crafty one! I'm telling ya, she's way cool. Got her 2 year old son and 3 1/2 month old daughter and my 3 princesses. She's a brave one! We'll see if her hubby actually got his sleep in today {he works the night shift}. Ha.

The reward of ministry on the road is a free hotel room for Mitch and I for the weekend. Revival in the evenings, long day dates. What else could a girl ask for? I'm hoping to get a little Christmas shopping done too. Perfect. I found out this town, out in the middle of nowhere {which means, it doesn't sit on THE interstate through Nebraska} has a Target. Yay. Just no Bux. But they do have a coffeehouse. I checked. Online. On my laptop. In the car. :)


Christin said...

Well at least you clarified that The Hub was the one surfing the net while you drove.

I had visions of you behind the wheel...on your blackberry. and an old man in a Buick driving behind you screaming "Crazy out of state you take your half of the road out of the middle?!"


Hope your having the time of your life.

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

C'mon over to my blog because there is a surprise awaiting you... ;)

Sarah said...

Okay, sounds like THE life right now!

Our family loves, LOVES to be on the road. I cannot imagine if I had a laptop or a Blackberry and was able to blog and ride.

Man, that'd be a hoot!

Hope you're enjoying your time with your husband.