Sunday, May 11, 2008

the movement of life

When I changed the name of my blog a few weeks ago, I didn't realize how accurate it was. Moving, moving, moving. Life doesn't stand still does it? I'm glad I have the grace of God to carry me through the movement of life.

After our little trip south, we came home to the 'end of school rush'. Field trips, programs, school projects, snack days, graduations, etc, etc. That doesn't include church life. Children's church, a fundraiser dinner and oh, we just got back from revival meetings, it's time to impart this new anointing to people far and wide.

Honestly though, I've come to the conclusion that I don't know how to function if I'm not moving. In fact, in my few hours of down time I've had in the last few days, I've went into a funk. Really. I suppose there's that big B word that comes into play somewhere here - Balance. And somehow enjoying the pace of my God-given life, whether rushing or slowly flowing.

So, while I'm exhausted, I'm happy. Oh so happy. I'm excited about this month and the full calender. I'm excited about the next month and interested to see how on earth we will fit in all that the calender holds.

I'm anxious to see how the impartation we received in Florida will impact our lives and the lives of those around us. So far, we've had an impartation service at our own church, one last night an hour and half down the road and another 'Goin' for God' service planned for Wednesday. That doesn't include this morning's service. My girls and I prayed over and blessed each of the children there this morning, while my Pastor-hubby imparted to each adult. Very cool.

It's a 'wait and see what God will do' season. So we will continue moving to the rhythms of His grace, being vessels of His glory.


Anonymous said...

hEY THERE... THOUGHT I'd write a comment while Shand climbs up the sindow, plays in the dirt of the flower pot, and tries to get the acrylic paints out of the not secure baggy... :) priorities and all.

SO, balance... Yeah, I think its time to CHANGE the name of my blog. I am so far from balanced. After having been sick this last week...lets add a half to that... and a grandpa dying, and friends needing picked up from the airport and a hundred other extra things... I have too much in my everyday schedule. TOO MUCH... Must learn the word yes. :)

Christin said...

:) Yep. I'm in that same season. That "whole wait and see b/c I KNOW God's getting ready...for something" season.

I'm like that too. When I have nothing pressing, I can pace. Whether it be physically or emotionally. Always pacing. I pray that the Lord will give us both the ability to slow our spirits down to "be still and know". Even amidst the craziness of life that doesn't seem to EVER be still.

Any new "stuff" going on in your head from your time in Florida?

Anonymous said...

what an awesome time and place to be "moving" in! I think to be in the "movement" we must be willing and ready to MOVE!
Keep going girl!