Monday, July 23, 2007

into the sky

While I was back 'home' this weekend, my brother-in-law gave me THIS CD. He was telling me about a song on it that Jason had wrote with his 4 y.o. son. I just listened to that 10 minute song/explanation this morning. Very powerful!

The song's called 'Into the Sky' if you get a chance to listen. Emotional mamma's should have kleenex close by....and maybe even daddies too!

I started my 40 day journey today - read HERE.


Mary said...

I LOVE Jason's passion! Did you know he's going to be in St. Joe the end of September?? We're going! WooWhoo!! Did you have a great time in the "homeland"? Your 40 days should be an awesome catapulting into the heavenlies! Cool picture huh? :) Love you guys. Miss you.

Todd said...

That song is so annointed. My 2 nieces and nephew in NP all listened to that song over and over (as opposed to a record player that goes round and round :)

They are still singing that song 2 months later and they were just weeping the first few times they listened to it.

Good stuff!