Monday, July 30, 2007

good but not fabulous

I just finished reading "The Amazing Discernment of Women" by Jentezen Franklin. It was a good book, though not on my top 5 all-time favs list. I like chapter 2 the best because it was most challenging to me. Here's a few notes from chapter 2 "The Atmosphere a Discerning Woman Creates"....

All the water in the world won't sink a ship until it gets inside. If you allow the atmosphere in your home to become negative, it will begin to decay from within.

God has called women to be the thermostat of the home.
(ie. A thermometer just reflects the temperature of a house, but the thermostat actually changes it.)

...people have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be, not what you nag them to be. Speak to the fool in your child {or husband}, and the fool will stand up. Speak to the champion in your child {or husband}, and the champion will stand up...."

When I chose to smile, I become the master of my emotions.

Discernment not only sees hidden things, but it knows when to reveal them.


Nen said...

sounds like a great, convicting chapter!!!

Keenan told Bryan he wasn't honoring to the dog today LOL - we told him once he was really good at honoring all of us in the family, he could start pointing out some of our faults!

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Love the thermostat quote. And it's so true isn't it?

Chelle said...

Some great and really challenging thoughts there...I've been doing a lot of thinking along the lines of the thermostat and sinking ship stuff. Very convicting.

Mycrazylife said...

Sounds like a book I should read. This hit hit home. "When I chose to smile, I become the master of my emotions." I think I will tack this onto the refrigerator.

Thanks for sharing!


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

It is amazing what power and responsibility we have for the tone of our home!

Hope you're having a great week!