Sometimes I detest technology. I've been trying to read other blogs - then the comments - my computer somehow is not 'authorized' to do that. I try to post on my own blog - can't do that either. I can't email an ebay seller, I can't 'check out' at an online store. I can't DO anything. uuugh!
I don't understand most of the cyber world, that's left to my brilliant husband, but unfortunately he's not on-call 24/7 to fix my petty issues. I've now been so driven to the point of frustration, that I type this from HIS computer. He's gone and the laptop's here so my problem is not solved, just side-stepped for now.
Today brought new life onto planet earth....well, I'm sure many lovely new lifes have graced the planet in the last 5 hours but I know one. A wonderful, albeit small boy, 5lb. 1oz. - no name as of yet but he's a somebody already - a young man with God's fingerprints all over his life. His mother labored 28 1/2 hrs to bring him into this world - after sitting in a hospital for near 3 weeks.
As miserable as the labor sounds, it is God's mercy. The umbilical cord was all twisted and knotted and the doc said if he had come any faster, he would not have lived. Imagine, a 28 hour labor being God's mercy. His ways truely are not our ways, and I think He intervenes in life more often than He gets credit for.
Thank You Jesus for new life - the little life's yet being carried in all my friends wombs (and you all know who you are!) and the lives making their way into this world even now.
Wow. That baby is half of mine and twice the labor. I hope mom and baby are fine now.
I understand about closing down the HSB blog. My dd left a comment there for Jaci.
I hope you will still stay in touch. I plan to.
I followed you over from homeschoolblogger and I really like your new look over here. You were one of my favorite "reads" so I'm glad I still have a place to follow the happenings with you and your family.
You're right about God's ways being so far beyond us. What a great example of perserverance producing....LIFE!
At the mention of EMBounds in your previous post, I picked up my copy and started reading The Power of Prayer. I've only read the first 2 (short) chapters, but am already challenged. Holiness! That's what I long for. This world needs it!
Wow...I hope mom and baby are okay now.
I have a love/hate relationship with technology. Love the convenience...hate the upkeep and 'issues' that always seem to crop up.
I just read your comment on my blog...your friends and their baby will be in my prayers. Gabriel was born with a multicystic kidney and I thank God every day that we haven't had to deal with surgery.
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