Saturday, October 28, 2006

the wave hit the road

"At first I thought, It's O.K. Nothing bad is going to happen. A few seconds later the wave hit the road, and I thought, Now I die. "

This happens to be a quote from a tsunami victim but it could be the process any of us goes through when it comes to sin in our lives or even just the things we clinch onto tighter than Jesus. But there will come a point when the wave hits the road and we know "Now I die".

Of course, we can choose to let go of those so-thought security blankets before 'the wave' hits. Many will not. We will continue to clinch onto what we consider 'safety'.

It's O.K. it's just a fantasy - I'd never let anything really happen.

It's O.K. I protected my kids from the world - they'll serve Jesus.

It's O.K. it was just a little lie - and no one will ever know.

It's O.K. it was just one step of obedience I missed - God'll understand.

We all have something we try to cling to but there will be a day when the wave hits the road, and reality will hit. Unless we're clinging to the "Rock that is higher than I", we will be washed out with the rest of them.

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