In a country and a day when everyone is trying to 'one up' the other guy, I think Christians have fallen into a trap of the enemy. In the name of...well I'm not sure what it's in the name of...we've taken to bashing ministries and men of God.
I don't know where we 'get off' knowing the call of God on other's minstries and lives but we seem to be experts at knowing who is supposed to be doing what and go about gossipping about those who, in our judgement, must be following the devil or something.
I'm not saying we should agree with or follow every person claiming to be a 'man of God' but what's with the gossipping and slandering? What happened to prayer?
I've noticed in the Bible there are several instances of people doing things that we would say "God would NEVER tell someone to do that!". How about Abraham called to sacrifice his son? (Genesis 22:2) Granted he didn't follow through with it - because of God - but Abraham did not know that God would stop him. He was fully ready to obey God's word to him. What about Isaiah walking around naked? (Isaiah 20:3) How about Hosea marrying a prostitute? (Hosea 3:1)
My point is that God is much bigger and higher than our ways and thoughts. Who are WE to say what God would or wouldn't tell someone to do in their ministry methods? Like Christine Caine says, we have confused methods with the Message. There is nothing sacred about methods of presenting the Gospel.
Ya know, if 'the Church' would get over themselves and quit the backbiting, slandering and gossipping to unite and restore people to our King, I think our Father would smile on us!
Thank you for challenging me not to fall into Satan's "trap" of gossip, backbiting, and judgement. God has created us uniquely and although He ultimately calls us to the same calling of becoming conformed to the image of the Son and spreading the Gospel, (and raising Godly offspring for those of us who have them), He accomplishes these things in us and through us in a myriad of different ways! We need to learn to rejoice in God's creativity in strategically using us differently to accomplish His purposes on earth and not tear eachother down!
I can always improve in this area. Pray more criticize less!
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