Realize you already have patience.
Actually you can insert any of the fruit of the Spirit in the place of patience. If you have the Holy Spirit IN you, you have the fruit of the Spirit. The problem is, we often don't "tap into" what we have. We need to learn to walk in the Spirit - we have it, it's available, we just need to DO it.
It's easy to get frustrated, "well I just don't have any patience". That's a cop-out, if you have the Holy Spirit, you do HAVE it - you just need to use it. It's actually very liberating to me to realize I don't have to go conjur up some good character trait I want, or am in need of during a certain situation - I just need to tap into my spirit-man.
Huh, who woulda thought.
Galatians 5:22-23 (Amplified)
But the fruit of the Holy Spirit
[the work which His presence within accomplishes]
is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience
(an even temper, forbearance),
kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, gentleness
(meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence).
Against such things there is no law [that can bring a charge].
But the fruit of the Holy Spirit
[the work which His presence within accomplishes]
is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience
(an even temper, forbearance),
kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, gentleness
(meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence).
Against such things there is no law [that can bring a charge].
Amen, brother. He's just a deep man. No way around it. Now if he would just tap into that gallon of water a day...... :o) BTW, you don't have to post this! Just thought I'd drop a line or two!
Love ya!
Great thoughts! I am reminded also of the verse that talks about the same power that raised Christ being in us. Paul repeatedly writes of this "power." We just need to put it into practice.
I'm glad to read your theological musings over here, have fun!
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